how many tourists have gone missing in panama

how many tourists have gone missing in panama

how many tourists have gone missing in panama

In the days following the students' disappearances, authorities conducted footand aerial searches. This story and all the bizarre features surrounding it as strange as they are, are actually very much similar to the thousands that have been put together by former cop and forest ranger David Pauladis series of books Missing 411. Most fingers seem to point to the Panama authorities, who have also been blamed for a poor initial search in the immediate days after the disappearance. That would account for a canopy structure being built there. Lisanne sets up a SOS with toilet paper and a mirror, hoping to get the attention of the helicopters. I have a working theory of the predator (not a specific name). if you break your ankle in a fall and die your foot is likely to be found IN the shoe as is what happened. A Panamanian search and rescue team helped recover the bodies after more than 690 hours of searching, authorities said. Use soft language and leave out gory visuals in what you write. Yes, I think its the entrance to a short cave. I was definitely thinking it looks like her hands might be tied behind her back here. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CJKQMGxJ1Kc/XH7ld3XtSnI/AAAAAAAAjOg/kechIb5Cge8msf5kRVinBCrEjIiBCl7TwCLcBGAs/s1600/7reCdlm.jpg, Actually heres uncompressed upscaled original image (upscaled and color corrected with AI). Theres not a lot of information about the gangs in the Boquete area. This may explain why the taxi driver and the two young men died so soon after this incident. Thanks for sharing this info. Well-worn paths do not lead into a pit. Does anyone agree with me? There is definitely a face on that the post/tree to the right of Kris. Many of the leads were simply not followed fingerprints, interviewing key suspects, identifying the precise location where evidence was discovered, etc. Rarely are foreigners targeted for a reason other than pure opportunity. What is clear is that on that fateful day the girls went out for a short hike and never came back. A woman from the localNgbetribeturned in a blue backpack she claimed she found along the bankof a nearby river. This photo has been edited. If someone can determine a gang affiliation for that image, it might be possible to determine where the traffickers were from. This was cleverly planned, and the murderer(s) have done this before. Others suggested neitherFroonnor Kremerstook those photos; they believesomeone abducted the women. Certainly this could have been due solely to incompetence alone, but they ignored performing relatively simple investigation tasks more than once. It looks as though she has a mouse under her right eye. Lisanne believes her dead. What I have not found is concrete evidence of where they went. A well-worn path. Slight left and up from the girl. Someone in the comments put the link to your website thats how I found you! In all of the photos, there is zero evidence to suggest that the dog was truly with the girls on their hike into the forest. In this one its clear that Kris has her hand up, closed eyes and stuck out tongue. I agree. Incredible work and interest- level regarding the fate of these human spirits. December 12, 2022. How come nobody ever says anything about the other girls bones and and what she was doing while these pictures were being taken of Chris that was way ahead of her ? Hard noncontroversial evidence is very limited and what there is is open to interpretation. Most people in Panama dont have the expertise, nor equipment to handle these sophisticated tasks. As for the wrong password entry. Police searches have found nothing and now his mother is flying out to try to find him. My condolences to the families that experienced this terrible tragedy. I think that the taxi driver knew who has killed them thats why sb killed him, the guide man who found the bones and their belongings can be the murderer and he was the person went to their room maybe to find the cable charge maybe pretending that he hadnt visited them on the reserved time, then he put their bag and money and camera for police because he was scared they search his house too, the locals heard screaming and then a crash (broken bones due to fall) in the jungle 4 days after their missing and warned about that to some french tourist, this article is long and I didnt sleep last night. PANAMA CITY BEACH Local officials agree that traffic is the No. Theyre also exceptionally rugged and dangerous, especially during the April-to-October wet season. . Hi Anna, yes, Im aware of that and thank you for shedding light on that for other readers. Meanwhile, on April 2, 2014, the pairmissed their appointment with their hired tour guide. I was looking at the photographs again and something caught my eye. Where did u see that picture ? I too noticed a nose and lips appearing. Their families went to the police to. We have 5 people ending up dead, and the skulls of the girls are never found. Before that, in image 507 & 508, you can see Kris in a stiff, nervous posture, because the girls saw someone they were afraid of closing in. I think shes frightened, Not only does it look like her hands are tied behind her back,but if you zoom in on just her,her expression does not look happy at all,and she is looking off to somewhere beside the camera,she isnt even looking at the camera,and there appears to be blood in her hair on both sides of her head and her hair is clearly a mess.maybe this photo was taken after their captured, possibly by whoever captured them. The families are now working on having the womens' remains brought back to the U.S., he said. The emergency calls still dont go through. Theres some type of red and black object at the top of the photo. After any incident the first 24 hours are critical and it seems all that time was lost. . At first glance I just thought she was looking for something. If you dont know the story, I recommend you visit the link at the bottom of this page. And one of the images chillingly showed the back of Kris' head with what some sleuthes believe is blood leaking from her temple. The theories go from accident to a crime to a combination of both. 9.3 million tourists visited Australia in 2019 (year ending June 2019). Perhaps someone has just hit Kris on the right side of her head and she is putting her hand up to where it hurts. I think your initial analysis of the photo is spot on. Even if that had happened, the skeleton would have been more intact and scratch marks would have been found on the bones. Much information is second hand. Are you familiar with the Koude Kaas blogs about this case? Im not sure though, Id have to search in my graphic editor again. Happy reading! Most of the pictures taken on April 8 are of complete darkness while some show the jungle floor, but two pictures are alarming: one is a picture of some of the girls belongings on a rock, and the other shows the back of Kremerss head with what appears to be a bloodstain in her hair. Hi Justin, Well done the image is really sharp now. If I saw a cow skull hanging in a tree I would get the hell out of there, not pose for a photo. If it is not possible to join those two points together then that would at least shine light on the possibility that a third party was involved at some point leading to the appauling possibility that they genuinely were lost for some time (until the 5th?) If you think America is a safe country youre extremely ignorant or niieve. Yo veo en el fondo de la foto 506, adjunto al muslo, la pierna y el pie izquierdo de Kris, una silueta de un hombre joven, con sombrero de copa alta y ala ancha (al estilo de los sheriff norteamericanos), con una manta blanca sobre sus hombros,tronco y brazos y un rifle o escopeta en posicin horizontal sobre sus manos. I dont know if youve noticed this or not. . Chris, I hope you and a team go but I also understand, in the present age of uncertainty, if you dont. Local authorities dont often feel a sense of responsibility to victims and their families. These were standard vacation photos that two young women would take while traveling. These are all similar in so many of the cases in his Missing 411 series. Youre welcome to do that other places online. Is it a reasonable number? Its a sect of foreign Christians that set up in the area and murdered 6 people FROM one of the local tribes. The white and red object on the left looks slightly like a cows head and what I took to be Kriss tousled hair on the left of her head now looks like the thumb and fore finger of her left hand pointing to the inside of the hut. Thats perplexing to me. What I find unusual is that in a panic they did not repeatedly try unless she kept pressing redial and that does not register as a second attempt. And why? I am assuming that the rock painting you refer to is the round orange patch on the right. The hand painted insignia looks more like a face to me.. When I look at the picture I think I can see both her arms. There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. Maybe someone had her in there sitting on the rock, and she heard them coming back and got up quickly to turn around. Kris Kremers, 21, and Lisanne Froon, 22, went for a walk through the scenic forests around the Baru volcano in Boquete - and never returned. She clearly thinks shes found something amazing. Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. Sorry to send so many messages Chris, but as a policewoman I have never liked to give up on a case.. Hello Its our fingerprints, the police say. Perhaps this was a cave hang-out spot used by local teenagers. I read extensively about this case and when I saw the above pic, I got the most eerie feeling. And more on this most people in Latin America that permit their dog to walk freely do not keep track of where their dog goes. I believe that by the time this photo was taken, the situation has gone sideways. But during my time spending a year there in 2015 (at the time Id not heard of this case), I had asked around about legends within the jungle and there is in fact legends from tribes who never interacted and are thousands of miles apart which regress of some THING that comes from the sky or trees that is not visible to humans but devours then to the bone. Just pressing the button to turn the screen on provides you with the relative information, ie, whether you have a signal or not. The girls went for a swim in a rock pool. However, calling emergency services doesnt require unlocking the phone, meaning a third party had to be involved. https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lMUOsoUME0Q/YLJzTuPRWbI/AAAAAAAAHDc/431BbuGq2PQEgxV65djGrwcBUCL5BEh8QCLcBGAsYHQ/s486/closeupkrs.jpg. I suppose incompetence runs at many levels. There are more answers out there that are still possible to gather. Does anyone know what the orange string is on the left of the photo? As you mention, she is blocking the sun with her hand and keeping her head down. Realizing just how much trouble these two could have been in. 1 Long-Haul Tourism Market. Who said they didnt? again, this has been superimposed on the scene and again her feet are obscured because she is not wearing boots. They protested in China - now they've gone missing. The hanging object and other points of interest you highlighted reminded me of this. In this photo is another object (or two? Update Dec 2, 2021: The full-resolution version of this photo was released in 2021. The dogs just do what they want to do. Brought to trial and prosecuted successfully: highly unlikely, less than 1%. Of course, nobody knows exactly why things happened. https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and.html. In the picture of her in the Cave? It would also show that the photos had been truly messed about with, as this one is supposed to come before the photos of her crossing the stream. Thank you, and keep up the good work. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. Its thought that Kremers and Froon were exploring nature without anyone else around. Cheers. It holds a bad energy. Websites/blogs speculate about why, but nothing has been confirmed. Ive already researched a lot about the local conditions: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/07/02/kris-kremers-lisanne-froon-panama-bleached-bones/. These other comments are just people seeing what they want to see, to make things more mysterious. What people are mistaking as blood from her nose and lip is again just a shadow cast from her nostril and lower lip due to the bright sun. Of course, there are always exceptions. One of them probably fell got hurt, a local found them said they would help and well they didnt help they killed them and dumped in River knowing the river would remove any evidence. A year later, two tourists following the same trail are robbed at gunpoint. Why IMG_0509 is missing, which could be a crucial piece of evidence, is an enigma. They maintained a great deal of secrecy and privacy and never officially published any information. Hope there will be a reasonable explanation to everything one day. This case is certainly not finished. Could be that they were trying to avoid somebody on the trail, went off the oath & got lost. Given thetimeline, authorities assumedat least one of the womenwas alive at thetime, five days into the search. The chain of custody is muddy. Some people claim that maybe photo #509 could have been corrupted as some sort of faulty camera configuration, but that wouldnt make sense even corrupted files retain some data and bits of the original file itself. I also think that we are looking at man-made roof structure, but its not the last photo, right? Also, #509 was deleted after all of the other photos were taken, which means someone went back and deleted it after all of the nighttime photos were taken. P.S. The women wanted to see as much of Boquete as possible,hiring a guide to showthem around on April 2, 2014. But after they waved goodbye to the local family for a mid-morning walk on April 1, 2014, they were never seen alive again. Exhausted and waited somewhere near water for days. 2. I think this has been added to hide the fact that Kris was not wearing boots, as this was a shot of her from somewhere else and superimposed on the jungle scene. They were not lost. I do think it looks like red flowers growing through the structure, and whilst I agree that it does look like there is some sort of symbol on the tree, after studying her pose from the photo above, I dont think she would be acting / posing like that if there was a creepy ass symbol scrawled into the tree! The whole scene is odd why is Lisanne (if it was her) standing miles away? Oliver, I just looked at your 1st link, and I can clearly see a human face in the red circle. He has some resources at his disposal. However, the perpetrators likely wanted the authorities to believe they were taken on the pianista trail. Hi Abrahm, thank you for your comment. One question sticking to the government interference and coverup, with the deletion of a photo (nr, 531?) Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! I suspect some are aware of these things but want to cover it up. They may not have even know what they were doing, taking pictures, if they werent familiar with technology, and tossed the phone again at some point for the girls to grab to attempt the emergency calls and taken it back at some point after. Think about it. Their causes of death have never been determined. After exhaustive thought, my theory: First, respect to family, friends, and the good. While posing with sticking out your tongue means for a Dutch native you found something disgusting, especially while simultaneously closing your eyes. I see the nose and mouth and possibly and eye, like they were trying to hide from the girls or camera and peaking behind branches creepy. Have you managed to obtain a copy? https://netherlandsnewslive.com/kris-and-lisanne-went-hiking-in-panama-but-never-left-the-jungle/151903/. Id love to know if these pics exsist. If there are documented river paths, this could be a way to find that exact same location. The alarm was initially raised about the disappearance of the girls after they missed a private walking tour of Boquete on April 2. This article seems to have a crop from high resolution version of the above photo. I know that its highly irregular for 17 foreigners to uproot their lives and relocate to the obscure jungles of Panama, especially for the purpose of sacrificing locals (whom are often Catholic). "Those flash floods made staging scenes or strategically placing items impossible.". It could help shed more light onto the possible answer to the mystery. 3. Dogs are very independent here. People usually have dogs for a mild form of protection. Have you looked closely at what Chris has labelled the insignia. I cant imagine the rednecks in Alto Romero or the lads from Calderas having the wit to bother with it. She would probably have gone into what looks like a cave or hut behind her, which may have been a booby trap leading to a long drop either through the floor or at the back of the cave. If you look closely at the top left part of this photo, you can see that, behind all the criss-crossed twigs and branches, there is a bank of rock. Shortly after this, they became victims. Also mobile signals are better at night yet no calls were attempted. Jalisco authorities have launched an investigation in connection with the enforced disappearance of four tourists. Hi Chris, to me the place Kris is in looks really spooky, but I also think it looks like the entrance to a cave. Theymade numerous emergency calls afew hours into their hike; logs show they managed to connect only oncedue to poor reception in the forest. Clearly the trash on the rocks indicates it had active people. The calls bother me though. How many tourists go to Australia? Eight tourists from Moscow who. Their story captivated me for some reason. He went into the girls room without police, he was involved with finding of the backpack, and also the bones. Can anybody see that? If you would know (and read) every bits & pieces of this story, you would actually see that the they got lost theory does not hold up with any of the facts and evidence found, not at all, not one bit. She is obviously excited by the weird place they have found. She must therefore be in a house or building of some kind and therefore being kept prisoner at least for the 8 days before that photo was taken. From the story of Holger, it seems unlikely to imagine that the medical examiner overlooked the very serious condition of the cyclists remains. Around 2 oclock. The pictures taken were used to place Kris in pictures on the Mirador with Lisanne. They were friends from college, and were roommates then, so Lisanne had to have known Kris password as her best friend. If you think America is safe you are ignorant! & is that some sort of an entrance to a cave or another makeshift structure shes crouching to take a look inside- or is a part of the trail in that spot purposefully made lower & narrower in order to pass through? If thats what Im seeing, I have no doubt that it was murder and that this photo and several others have been manipulated. My interest would be to see if its scientifically possible for the official theory to have happened. I dont see any pit. Does anyone know if the dog they brought with them is in any photos from the hike? However there appear to be yellowish/beige shadows and it looks like a sandstone cliff. She uses Kris phone, instinctively entering her own pin number. This case has captivated me. They got lost and succumbed to the wild. I havent seen any discussions on this. Hi Ray, thank you for your comment. It appears to me that Kris has her right arm to her right temple and you can see part of her left elbow. That does not make sense if they were genuine. I think the camera dried and started working again and they took pictures at night. But in a country of just 300,000 people, how much tourism is too much? The science can speak for itself. It is high noon and they have no way of telling which direction to go. To the left hangs a cow skull smeared with blood, perhaps worn during the sacrifices. she does see something disgusting. A lot of times countries dont want investigations to be publicized or they shut them down as best they can in order for their tourist trade to not be hurt!!!!! Thanks for your comment. Ironically enough, several of those men were also murdered shortly after. I think they knew too much and someone wanted them to be silenced forever. Debra Ann Velleman, 70, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, and Sue Borries, 57, of Teutopolis, Illinois, both retired public school teachers, were part of a community of snowbirds and expats living in the area of Chame, Panama. Hello and thank you for doing such a thorough research. Youtube channel backpackercoach or backpackingcoach i think, has a video called is it a cave? where he shows a section of trail that looks much like that. On April 3, 2014, authorities began an aerial search of the forests and an on-foot search ofBoquete. And I cannot fathom standing this way, hands behind the back and turned like that unless my hands were restricted behind my back. I created this graphic and highlighted the unusual items that seemed peculiar to me: In this photo of what looks like a cave or overgrown ravine, there are numerous possible items that suggest this place had been visited by other people. Many cold cases have been solved years later. After frolicking in the sun and taking photos for a while they decided it was time to return home, BUT they had no idea where they entered the jungle so they could not find the way out of the jungle back go to the trail. It appears further down as well. Theres so much conflicting information regardless of which theory is chosen. All Froon and Kremers photos were taking with phones and a camera from six years ago, probably jpeg, with all the associated algorithm issues, let alone we have no idea of the provenance of the photos we are all seeing, I doubt any of it is first generation copies straight from the devices, and every time we copy a photo we risk changing the data somewhat. I have no doubt that the camera was tampered with. They usually drown their victims, hit and run car accidents, or just disappear the victim, etc anything that ensures theres no obvious intent to the police. Hi Rune (and Stian), great points. Like jaguar? Latin America has tens of thousands of small communities, all of which operate slightly differently to some degree. The Panamanian government had requested that the U.S. deploy assets including Navy salvage divers and sonar to aid in the search effort and locate the wreckage in the days after the crash, but the request was denied due to a lack of assets and jurisdiction, according to a statement from the Velleman and Borries families. Theyve been promised much if they deliver Feliciano hard evidence of the girls death. Thats suspicious and leads me to question if government was involved to some degree. There were no signs at that time. Their families believed the women were still in the unrecovered plane wreckage, and as the search stretched on for days and then weeks, they pleaded with the U.S. government for help they said never came. As a side note, if all of the photos are in the order in which they were taken, why do they put their hair up, and take it down so much? I dont think there was actual foul play. For more background and insight, please feel free to read some of the disappearance stories Ive written about: https://imperfectplan.com/disappearances/. A group of tourists have gone missing in an infamous Russian mountain pass where nine people died under mysterious circumstances more than 60 years ago. There are no discernible scratches of any kind on the bones, neither of natural nor cultural origin there are no marks on the bones at all. In the Americas, more than 6,200 people have been reported dead or missing during migration since 2014. It isnt a cave, somebody has shown in a youtube video that it us just a very deep path on the wrong side of the mountain with a sharp turn. On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. Does blue have something to do with this strange punishment ritual? Theres a lot more information needed to make conclusions. The pair had been hiking around the jungle for two weeks as part of a backpacking trip - and they were planning to stay for another four weeks with their host family to volunteer at a local school. This is why the ping data can help because it can show if they were in one place or moving. There are too many variables involved, so I dont speculate much about the dog. The reason being, many people assume that shes leaning over and looking down at the rock before her. Very interesting and completely changed my mind. Hello Chris, did you ever get any background on the statements made by Joseph?

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how many tourists have gone missing in panama

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