7 ancient mystery schools

7 ancient mystery schools

7 ancient mystery schools

Seven Sisters Mystery School | Marguerite Rigoglioso New York: Penguin Books. Certified Professional Life Activation Practitioner Certified Professional Teacher Mysteries Introduction to the 7 Mystery Schools 07/23/2022 These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. And since Dionysus was the Lord of Death, as well as the Lord of Life, the initiates believed that their union with him would continue even after death, and that immortality was now within their grasp. Becerrillo: The Terrifying War Dog of the Spanish Conquistadors, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Unleashing the End of the World, What is Shambhala? Legend has it that these sacred texts contain all the accumulated wisdom of ancient Egypt, going back in an unbroken tradition to the very earliest time. The mystery school teachings were forced to go underground in order to protect and preserve the sacred teachings and rites. Solignac, A. Where do we go? HISTORY: The Birth of Ancient Mystery Schools - YouTube They have built noble temples all over the world and provided services both to the public and behind closed doors for only those who have eyes to see, and those who have ears to hear.. There will be an opportunity to find out what other classes are offered through the Modern Mystery School. Burkert, Walter. In fact, Maximus of Tyre, rhetorician and philosopher and an initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries, stated that: All things, indeed, are full of enigmas, both among poets and philosophers, whose reverence of the truth I much more admire then the liberty of speech adopted by the moderns. Delphi and its History. We must remember what Flavius Sallustius who received in Eleusis the salt of life and was one of the closest and most faithful friends of the emperor Julian says: Besides, to wish to teach the whole truth about the gods to all produces contempt in the foolish, because they cannot understand, and lack of zeal in the good, whereas to conceal the truth by myths prevents the contempt of the foolish, and compels the good to practice philosophy. Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained. As the great Irish esotericist John Heron Lepper wrote, one could say that the existence of secret or closed societies [namely mystery schools] in which certain teachings or practices are passed on to chosen individuals who must undergo a series of tests responds to a very general predisposition of human nature. Ancient Egypt Mystery Schools "Immerse Yourself in the Hidden Teachings of the Ancient Mystery Traditions" For thousands of years, initiates have examined the meanings of sacred texts said to hold the secret path toward ascension. The full moon and the periods before and after it are productive times to restore and bring balance into our lives. Edge of Wonder. Plotinus. I adjure you to bestow on me, Valens, your guide, eternal and noble fame, particularly since you are aware that I alone ungrudgingly illuminated this part of the truth which had never before been explicated by anyone . These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. These 7 are located in North America, England, Romania, Australia, Japan, Tibet and Africa. Institut Franais d'Archologie Orientale, Le Caire. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, Vol. An Action Plan. Unfortunately, petroglyph experts are not typically divers and therefore have not been able to view the carving in person. Broad, William. Reading List for Mystery Schools | Magicka School The Essenes, the Kahunas of Hawaii, Pan and the nature kingdom, the angelic kingdom, the Vedas and Upanishads, the Kabbalah, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the Egyptian mysteries, and The Keys of Enoch: These profound spiritual teachings, unknown to so many on our planet, are a . A feature that, moreover, has always been present in the Mediterranean area since ancient times. 9 Frances Rd, Norwood. Plato. Using the lens of Egyptian Mysticism to chart the course, we explore the 4 seasons of inner Alchemy . What were they looking for in that little Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god with the body of a man, head of an ibis, and a crescent moon over his head. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 2000. We are non-denominational and operate under the guidance of a Teacher who has been trained in the Thelema tradition. As the seed of the harvest is planted again and the agricultural cycle is perpetuated, so is the soul harvested by the gods to be resurrected. I Misteri di Eleusi . Join us as we experience the essence of each of these lineages and their purpose in our modern world. The Moora Mystery: What Happened When a Girl Stepped into the Moor 2,500 Years Ago? Ruska, J. mystery religion, any of various secret cults of the Greco-Roman world that offered to individuals religious experiences not provided by the official public religions. Many mystery schools to this day still operate in this way. The science of numbers lay in the living forces of divine faculties in action in the world, in universal macrocosm, and in the earthly microcosm of the human being. Description of Greece . Rites and Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth. That time has long since passed, and these keys of enlightenment became a threat to forces that seek to control humanity. While the initiates of the mystery cult enacted the life cycle of the gods who triumphed over death and who were reborn, they also asserted their own path of wisdom that would enable them to conquer death and accomplish resurrection in the afterlife, with rebirth in a new body in a new existence. Hermes was the name the Greeks gave to the Egyptian god Thoth, the god of wisdom, learning, and literature. The Temple of Seti I and the Osireion at Abydos. The Transfiguration Workshop Section 3 - A Series of Full day/ Weekend or week long Workshops Von Stuckrad, Kocku. 3 Then God said, Let there be light: And there was light.". The Chalice & The Blade: Our History, Our Future. 551 b.c.e. Retrieved February 23, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/mystery-schools. The first dealt with. Greece An Archaeological Guide, 1984. As we shall see later, it is no coincidence that the greatest philosophers, the greatest physicians, and the greatest scientists of antiquity were initiated into mystery religions, and into the Eleusinian Mysteries in particular. On the Gods and the Cosmos . The word derives from the Greek (mysterion), then later Latinized in mysterium. At last Pythagoras formed his own school at Crotona in southern Italy. The Greater Mysteries 51 9. The truth surpasses the faculties of ordinary men: only well-prepared and well-educated men can be aware of it . While other schools of reincarnation see the process of rebirth as an evolving of the soul ever higher with each incarnation, the Orphic concept introduces the aspect of the soul being gradually purged or purified through the sufferings incurred during each physical rebirth. Indeed, there was a strong link between medicine, science, and philosophy and religion and mystery traditions. A village schoolteacher in Regency-era England is murdered at her desk in this installment of the Kurland St. Mary mysteries. the encyclopedia of myths and leg ends. Lepper, J. To further stress the seriousness of his study program, Pythagoras lectured while standing behind a curtain, thereby denying all personal contact with his students until they had achieved progress on a ladder of initiatory degrees that allowed them to reach the higher grades. Source: leks_052 / Adobe stock. Guthrie, W.K.C. Edited by Joseph Campbell. During the crusades, the Christian "intelligencia" that accompanied the crusading soldiers gained initiation from their Arabic and Persian counterparts. You are welcome to email me here to get updates about future class dates or to register for the upcoming one. And the Turba Philosoforum , a collection of ancient alchemical and hermetic texts of different origins, that had a lot of influence inside many mystery religion societies during the Renaissance states: He who has ears, should open them to listen. Sec. Payot, Paris. The Mystery School is dedicated to the advancement of love, service, cooperation, and understanding, in relation to all beings and all dimensions of society. ELEUSINIAN MYSTERIES . Vermaseren, M.J. Mithras, The Secret God. Some accounts state that Pythagoras died in the fire; others have it that he died of grief, sorrowing over how difficult a task it was to elevate humanity. Sometime in the month of September, the Eumolpedie removed the Eleusinian holy objects from Eleusis and carried them to the sacred city of Athens, where they were placed in the Eleusinion temple. 23 Feb. 2023 . The relationship of the mystes, the initiate, was not taken lightly, as in the official state religion, but was considered to be intimate and close. Briefly . The initiates left the celebration of the mystery feeling that they were now superior to the problems that the uninitiated faced concerning life, death, and immortality. The White Apron Well, how can the Muses teach something if their name means to shut up? In this evening class, Tanmaya George, the founder of the Incentre and an initiate in the lineage of King Solomon, will unravel the mystery of the mystery school to attendees, introducing the foundation of each school and its different branches of study or energy work, such as Shamanism, Alchemy and Druidism. The Golden Ass of Apuleius. Egyptian Mystery Schools For more than 3,000 years, the mystery schools of Egypt have epitomized the ultimate in secret wisdom and knowledge. The most famous mysteries of Greco-Roman antiquity were the Eleusinian Mysteries, which predated the Greek Dark Ages. The rejected follower fulfilled Pythagoras's negative evaluation by angrily leading a mob against the school and burning down the house where the teacher and 40 students were gathered. Ancient Mystery Schools - Crystalinks Siculus, D. c.60 BC. Wicca Advanced - 12 month course. 2005. Accessed July 11, 2005 at www.touregypt.net/featurestories/setiabydos.htm. Plato (left) and Aristotle in Raphael's 1509 fresco, The School of Athens. Cumont, Franz. Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained. The Jewish Tradition (from Genesis 1:1-3): "1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. the education of the priesthood; the second, temple ritual; the third, geographical knowledge; the fourth, astrology; the fifth, hymns in honor of the gods and a guide for the proper behavior of royalty; the sixth, medical commentary. The etymology of the word goes back to an Indo-European root ( my-)of onomatopoeic origin, which means to shut up (from which the word mute derives). In addition to the state religion into which every Greek belonged automatically at birth, there were also the "mystery religions," which required elaborate processes of purification and initiation before a man or woman could qualify for membership. Modern Mystery School Aili Healing & Empowerment Center The Greek astrologer Vettius Valens, a great initiated as well, who lived during the second century AD in his Anthology, talks about the necessity of secrecy: I adjure you, my most precious brother, and you, initiates into this mystic art, by the starry vault of Heaven and by the twelve-fold circle, by the Sun, the Moon, and the five wandering stars by whom all of life is guided, and by Providence itself and Holy Fate, to preserve these matters in secret and not to share them with the vulgar, but only with those worthy of them and able to preserve and requite them as they deserve. Wallis Budge. Clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon talked about the hidden life of Jesus Christ, and how he was influenced by the ancient Mystery Schools such as those of the Druids, Egyptians, Greeks and Essenes. Broad, William. Ezio DIntra, in his introduction to the Italian edition of the work of Victor Magnien Les Mystres d'Eleusis. The great Epic of Gilgamesh, which dates back to the early part of the second millennium b.c.e., portrays an ancient Mesopotamian king's quest for immortality and his despair when he learns that the gods keep the priceless jewel of eternal life for themselves. The initiates are those who are known as the Guardians, the Protectors, the Light bearers, the Teachers, the Healers, the Record Keepers, the Magicians, and the Watchers, among many other names. 1931. Depending on the places and times where and when they have developed, some differences can be found, but there is always a common background, the six points listed above the most important of which is secrecy. Both Plato and Aristotle were involved in mystery schools. Gale Encyclopedia of the Unusual and Unexplained. Oracle at Delphi, Secrets Revealed. The mystery religions were concerned with the spiritual welfare of the individual, and their proponents believed in an orderly universe and the unity of all life with God. Often associated with the occult, these mystery schools have become synonymous with lore and legend although, their origins and practices remain an enigma to the general public. (February 23, 2023). McGee, Arthur R. Papyrus of Ani; Egyptian Book of the Dead (Budge) translation by E.A. From Ancient Mystery School to Culture Capital: Eleusis' Secret Past is According to the legends surrounding his life, he was taught by Zoroaster (c. 628c. Jesus & Ancient Mystery Schools | Coast to Coast AM san francisco, harper & row, 1983. Love is the Law mystery school was founded by Sheila Leaming in 2015. Rosicrucian History and Mysteries. Cults, religious practices, and rituals were characterized by an initiatory path, which gave gradual access to knowledge and to a following personal advancement. These healings and crystal layouts can be used on yourself or can be used in service to your clients. Maximus of Tyre. While seven were the degrees usually enumerated in the Mysteries, hints have been given of three higher degrees than the seventh. Il Logos e il Nulla . Pausanias. Devi, Savitri. However, the Modern Mystery School is considered an open mystery school, allowing those who aspire to higher knowledge to do so while living in and among the world. There are 7 mystery schools on the planet today. This is a very readable and recommended book for anyone who maybe wishing to familiarize themselves with Mystery Schools for the first time. Mystery religion | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, & Facts The Modern Mystery School is the only school open to the public. Now Eleusis, home of the mystery school, has been designated as the 2023 Culture Capital of Europe. Then again: The human soul, in its boldness, appreciates less what is within its reach, and admires what is far from it. Six of which are closed to the public. Line of Occult Succession 74 12. Mystery School - There were mystery schools at any time. You are invited to a talk about the 7 Ancient Mystery Schools that have anchored the ancient teachings since the beginning of times. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. The Order of the Seven Rays & Path of the Dragon Mystery School have existed since the dawn of humanity. From ancient times, the Esoteric Knowledge has been concealed in the form of Symbols so that those who are not prepared for it would not accidentally discover it. Part 1 - The Mystery Schools - theosociety.org Alchemy Workshop - 6 week course. Mythology is nearly always the ritual and the symbolism of a Mystery school. We stand in the spriritual tradition of the Rosicrucians and do not only teach the ancient ritual magic (or . In the Mystery Schools of past ages, such as those in India, the Zoroastrians, Chalda, Egypt and Greece, one of the major methods for training and teaching its neophytes (as well as by other methods) was by dramatic enactments of rite and ritual representing and illustrating by allegory and symbol certain precepts of the Ancient Mysteries . He who has a mouth, should keep it shut. When Egypt was later conquered, there was a diaspora across the know world. The ancient Egyptian and oriental mysteries came to Europe via Greece and the Arabic empire's absorption and integration of the secret wisdom teachings in the many regions where it became dominant. Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: General Background, Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz: Studies in Alchemical Symbolism, Alexandria: Search for Hidden Gnosis: The Gnostics, Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis English Grand Lodge for the Americas, 2023The Rosicrucian Order | site by Placemaking Group, One's aim should be to concentrate and simplify, and so to expand one's being and so to float upwards towards the divine fountain of being whose stream flows within us., The Journey into Self and the Mystical Path, http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Books/Papyrus_Ani.html, www.touregypt.net/featurestories/cults.htm, www.touregypt.net/featurestories/setiabydos.htm, http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0138&query=head%3D%232, http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2005/entries/pythagoras/, http://www.sunsite.ubc.ca/LivingMathematics/V001N01/UBCExamples/Pythagoras/pythagoras.html. Keller, Mara Lynn. ---. Light Conception, Life and Death (as represented by the Crucifixion) and Resurrection. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). new york: charles scribner's sons, 1969. ferm, vergilious ed. Kala's book, 9 Life Altering Lessons: Secrets of the Mystery Schools Unveiled, delves into the teachings of ancient Egypt and Greece and explains the Mystery Schools and their ventures into the other realms.The purpose of the 9 Life Altering Lessons Book and online Course is to invite you to pull up a chair and join me here for a thought . San Jose, CA: Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc., 1929/1953. According to Eustathius, there were secret arsenals in Rhodes, to which the public had no access, and those who violated their doors without authorization were put to death. Rome, Peter. The Closing of the Mystery Schools 66 11. Orpheus and Greek Religion, A Study of the Orphic Movement. Appresso i Giunti, Venice. (National Archaeological Museum of Athens / CC BY-SA 3.0 ). Not only did the initiates believe that their communion with the patron god or goddess would continue after death, but that they would eventually leave Hades to be born again in another life experience. A votive plaque known as the Ninnion Tablet depicting elements of the Eleusinian mystery school, discovered in the sanctuary at Eleusis (mid-4th century BC). Hidden Mysteries: ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools, and Ascension. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995. Once this had been accomplished, the initiates were given secret formulas which would enable them to avoid the snares awaiting the unwary soul as it descended to Hades and would ensure them a blissful stay while they awaited a sign that their participation in the "great circle of necessity" had ended. Translation by Michelle Ziebel. The Eleusinian drama reenacted the myth of the rape, abduction, and marriage of Kore (Persephone) by Hades, god of the underworld, and her separation from her mother, Demeter, the goddess of grain and vegetation. 1996. Sallustius, F. c.350 AD. We are ready to take the next step forward in our evolution, to embrace our divinity here in the physical. 4, No. Harper & Row: San Francisco, 1987. Pausanias, who was initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries , thought that all the wise men of Greece had always expressed themselves in enigmas (using a symbolic and allegorical language) to allude to certain truths, hiding the true meaning, thus that only the initiated could understand them. 13:36 The Secrets of the Pleiades - The world's Oldest Cosmic Story 17:11 Seven Powers & Seven Spheres - What is this Ancient Reality Shaping Matrix? . The teachings from the mystery schools are referred to as wisdom, enlightenment, and esoteric teachings and have been shared through many ages of humanity. Vermaseren, M.J. Mithras, The Secret God. ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ). Mystery School is an inter-spiritual experience of total immersion with 10 Master Teachers from the Hawaiian, African, Native American, Spiritual Psychology, Sufi, esoteric Christian, Hindu, Sound Healing, Kabbalah, and Buddhist wisdom traditions. A Truth that is universal and within every form, no . the great initiates. The teachings and mysteries were . Wishing to please the gods, Mnesarchus demanded that his wife change her name from Parthenis to Pythasis, in order to honor the seeress at Delphi. Home - Ninegates The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies Part Two. During the Middle Ages, exorcisms were commonplace to rid individuals of supposed demonic possession. VIII, 8, 3. n.p. 2. The site was created by placing a ring of the massive seven-ton stone . Spellcrafting - 6 month course. Beginner's Tarot - 12 month course. Kala Ambrose is Your Travel Guide to the Other Side. The Eleusinian Mystery school , which practiced secret religious rituals honoring the gods Demeter and Persephone, was based there. Ed. This video discusses the genesis of. San Jose, CA: Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc., 1978. Seminary - Esoteric Mystery School - Seminary If the Judeo-Christian tradition proclaimed that humans were fashioned in the image of God, their creator, then it must be said that the gods of ancient Greece were created in the image of humans, their creators. For Delphic Oracle, Fume and Visions. New York Times, March 19, 2002. He denied a man acceptance because it was apparent that the would-be student had an unruly temper that could easily become violent. london: headline house, 1993. This Celtic Mystery School offers email correspondence courses on a variety of subjects including Celtic magic, Celtic gods and goddesses, divinity, connecting with the Fae, shamanic journeying, herbal healing, aura viewing, guided visualizations, Law of Attraction exercises, use of symbols and tools and lots more. The Ancient Mysteries, A Sourcebook. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1956. More about The Modern Mystery School Who Are We? His symbol was the winged serpent staff. pagans and christians. Six of these schools are closed to the public. Plotinus, the supreme Platonic Philosopher, who was initiated into the Sacred Mysteries of the Two Goddesses, in his Enneads wrote: This is the purport of that rule of our mysteries: Nothing Divulged to the Uninitiate: the Supreme is not to be made a common story, the holy things may not be uncovered to the stranger, to any that has not himself attained to see . Belief in malevolent spirits inhabiting the human body has persisted across cultures for millennia. In many ancient belief systems and mystery schools, a circle was used to symbolize God as, like a circle, God has no beginning and no end. New York: W.W Norton & Company, Inc., 1966. > Recommended Reading Lists > Recommended Reading Lists-Ancient Mystery Schools, Rosicrucian Salon Bibliography Julie Scott, M.A., President and Grand Master of the English Grand Lodge of AMORC for the Americas, 2006, Apuleius, Lucius. This is a history sub, so try to keep it on topic. Ancient Mystery Cults. Certified to teach Kabbalah Each mystery school has its own origins (such as Lemuria, Middle Earth, Atlantis, the Gods of Space, the Northern Gods or the Lineage of King Solomon), lineage and mission but are all dedicated to bringing in more light to the world for the progression of our planet and all of its inhabitants. Astral travel is an ancient technique, which has been practised by great masters for thousands of years. Aristophanes. the encyclopedia of myths and leg ends. Seven Mystery Schools | Mystery Teachings Ariana Bain As a registered student, you will receive the following courses, each lesson released monthly during your studies: Wicca Revealed - 12 month course. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955. Mystre. Inverness, CA: The Golden Sufi Center. Ed. [CDATA[ Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. Empower Thyself Aili Healing & Empowerment Center He graduated in History at the University of Florence, and he has been studying and researching the ancient mysteries and religious traditions of the Read More. Accessed July 11, 2005 at www.touregypt.net/featurestories/cults.htm. Egypt Mystery School Valens, V. c.150 AD. The most important mystery cult of the ancient world was that connected with the sanctuary of Demeter Ele, Egypt, Ancient The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries, Cosmology & Salvation in the Ancient World. Therefore, the philosopher was said to have been born of the virgin Parthenis and fathered by the god Apollo. new york: harper and row, 1961. The Mystery Teachings were once taught in the great Mystery Schools of ancient Egypt which flourished for many centuries. The Hermes Trismegistus (the thrice greatest Hermes), who set forth the esoteric doctrines of the ancient Egyptian priesthood, recognized the reincarnation of "impious souls" and the achievement of pious souls when they know God and become "all intelligence." The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Mystery schools are the guardians of ageless wisdom, they preserve teachings that in former times were accessible only to a small circle of initiates. This article treats of (1) the religion, (2) the architecture and art, and (3) the language and literature of Pharaonic Egypt. The Stargate curriculum draws uponbreathwork, transpersonal . As we have seen, myin means to shut up, while myesis means initiation. It was a prerogative of the initiated. The agendas of wars from ancient and modern days were not always about what the history books may tell us. By the age of 10, most children in the United States have been taught all 50 states that make up the country. 7 Ancient Mystery Schools Presentation Wednesday, December 17th, 2014 at 7:00 pm Presented by: Alex Hill Free with donation of a non-perishable food item, or toy for the holidays! As in Freemasonry, the Egyptian candidate was also blindfolded to represent a state of darkness before emerging into the light of knowledge when the blindfold was removed. San Jose, CA: Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC, Inc., 2004. Ed. The Ancient Mysteries and Secret Societies - sacred-texts.com Certified Professional Healer We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. Temple of Edfu, dedicated to the ancient Egyptian god Horus, where inscriptions point to evidence of mystery schools in Egypt. n. 12. The Symbolic Prophecy of the Great Pyramid. ), the Persian prophet, and by the Brahmans of India. Whereas in these tribal communities almost every member of the clan or the village was initiated, initiation in Greece . 10 School Mysteries Sleuths of Every Age Will Love Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries, 10 Spectacular Treasures That Have Never Been Found, The Mithraic Mysteries and the underground chamber of San Clemente, Ten Unsolved Ancient Archaeological Mysteries. The ancient elephant went extinct 10,000 years ago, so for an ancient human to have carved it, they would have needed to be alive at the same time. The Frogs (). The legendary philosopher died while exercising authority over his strict standards of admittance to his school. Later, in Medieval Europe, we hear about secret societies associated with the Wild Hunt, Odin, and the Einherjar. The Initiatory Process in Ancient Egypt. Prerequisites: Life Activation and Sacred Geometry. Thegoal of Ancient Origins is to highlight recent archaeological discoveries, peer-reviewed academic research and evidence, as well as offering alternative viewpoints and explanations of science, archaeology, mythology, religion and history around the globe. Translated by Ralph Manheim. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta(ed.). The Ancient Mystery Schools (Mystery Babylon) - video Dailymotion

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7 ancient mystery schools

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