Using a variety of resources (including newspapers, fliers and other literature, the Internet, volunteers, and employees of the organization), find out more about this organization. Basically, the purpose of DEI and the Citizenship in Society merit badge is to cultivate a culture of acceptance and mutual respect, in order to build stronger, more collaborative communities. I've printed forms to help me with my presentations in leading the scouts for over four years now. By having people in your group take turns speaking and discussing ideas, youll ensure that everyone has the chance to speak and be included! For the same reason you can't volunteer at the local library, but you
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As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ensure that every new Scout has a buddy in charge of answering their questions and helping them participate in activities. Im sure that those you helped really appreciate your efforts! reason, and that person became the mayor later, it wouldn't. We should never make people with disabilities the butt of jokes by using that kind of language., The same statement can work for racist, sexist, or downright mean comments as well. The fact is, no people share all of the same identities. service! 0000004440 00000 n
and is anachronistic in its presentation of nationalism. scout who had done 6 hours at one organization, and 5 hours at
Discuss with your counselor what citizenship in the community means and what it takes to be a good citizen in your community. rated R. Here's my list for this year:
In addition to being able to easily find each area in a matter of seconds, by clicking the location youll be able to bookmark it on the map. Climbing Book. If you have another movie you would like to watch in fulfillment of Requirement 5, please get mb counselor and parent permission first. Answer these questions in your own words, do further research, and I promise youll gain much more from every merit badge you earn! 35870
I've used it since my kid was a Tiger and now is in boy scouts. With diversity, the goal is to see past appearances and welcome new perspectives; To include everyone else in the way youd like to be included. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Hosted By The New Weis Center for Education, Arts & Recreation. Merit Badge Courses - Learn Skills and Earn Badges with Our Courses Then, Ill help you to answer each question and better understand the qualities itll take to become an upstanding citizen within your community! Although I didn't realize it at the time, Scouting helped shape my life! rights, duties, and obligations of citizenship, and explain how you
I love the website! Event starts on Saturday, 4 March 2023 and happening at The New Weis Center for Education, Arts & Recreation, West Milford, NJ. 27, 2014 46 likes 50,504 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Sports I developed this presentation to teach a Boy Scout Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge class. More on this in the next section. ! However, you could also keep the people involved anonymous, and use the opportunity to explain to your teacher that much of the class is struggling with the current material. In earning the Citizenship in Society merit badge, youll complete historical research, think through important scenarios, and learn the qualities of ethical, inclusive leadership. As an example, consider the ethical decision to report a friends cheating to your teacher. If youve been sticking with me this far, youre now ready to earn your Citizenship in the Community merit badge. 0000004251 00000 n
1. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Trash cleanup
Connect with those around you. Hopefully, you can think of a few experiences like this off the top of your head. If you act in kindness, youll often feel better than if youd received that kindness yourself! Here are a few qualities of what makes a good community member: These guidelines can be applied to almost all of your different communities. 0000022412 00000 n
With your counselor's and a parent's approval, interview one is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. The Citizenship in the Community merit badge is required for the rank of Eagle Scout. This merit badge is 1 of 3 citizenship merit badges require. These public services help to improve citizens overall levels of safety and well-being, improving life within your community. 8: Develop a public presentation (such as a video, slide show, speech, digital presentation, or photo exhibit) about important and unique aspects of . As a Scout, much of your time is spent preparing to be an upstander in difficult situations. Share what you have learned with your counselor. Subtotal : $30.00. In your own life, here are some examples of ethical decisions you might need to make: Now, consider some of the ethical decisions youve made in your own life. Pride which is basically a litter
As an Eagle Coach, merit badge counselor, and a District Advancement Chair, I know I am having a positive effect on young men and women. Citizenship in Society Resources - Connecticut Rivers Council However, losing the job could make you homeless. can have a positive effect on a community. Some other merit badges in the Citizenship theme include: Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the Nation, and Citizenship in the World. PDF Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge - The Eagle-required Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge will have you do all three of these things and teach you the skills necessary to become an upstanding member of your community. I dont like having food spilled on me either, but we know better than to talk like that. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you see something, say something! Requirements last updated in:
BRAVEHEART from the list of movies. Being informed and socially active is an important part of belonging to a community. Whether youre attending church, school, or your troop meetings, being accepting and willing to help others will make you a loved and valueable member of your community. the hours. Currently offered eagle required merit badges: Citizenship in Society, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Family Life, and Personal Management. to accept it or not. Leading by example and encouraging each other to live by the values expressed by the Scout Oath and Scout Law, we welcome families of all backgrounds to help prepare young people to serve as successful members and leaders of our nations increasingly diverse communities. The only catch there is that it might
I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. Blanks in this worksheets table appear when
Attend a meeting of your city, town, or county council or school board; Or attend a municipal, county, or state court session. ), I can tell you firsthand that what youre learning here will make you a better, more socially-intelligent person in the real world. This badge is a requirement to become an Eagle Scout. When relating things back to you and me though, our takeaway is that we should treat others the way that wed want to be treated equally with kindness and respect. Thanks founder of
Hopefully, you found that when volunteering with your charitable organization. When have you acted against your own self-interest to do the right thing? In school, were taught not to plagiarize, and the same is true for Scouting worksheets. Great work! Currently with the COVID-19 Pandemic occurring what are some ways
Attending a meeting is a great opportunity to also complete requirement 4 which asks you to learn about an issue thats important to your community. especially
Attend a meeting of your city, town, or county council or school
home, Parks, playgrounds, recreation areas, and trails, Historical or other interesting points of interest. Trust your instincts, know your values, and be willing to put yourself in a difficult situation to help others (while keeping your safety top of mind). Great work!! You need to earn a merit badge but are pressed for time. Ie Cit of Community before Nation? Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge - 2. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Info As a core part of the BSA Vision, citizenship education is critical to a Scout advancing. 2016
Cyberbullying (really, any kind of bullying) is one of those instances. To complete your presentation, Id recommend creating a PowerPoint or using the browser application, Prezi. The Citizenship In The Community Merit Badge: Your - ScoutSmarts More text - "It is the counselor's decision whether to accept work or
A local library or the Internet will likely be your best tool for learning more about the history of your community. Since all 3 of these scenarios are ones youll likely encounter, Ill share some suggestions here too! -Ford v. Ferrari (2019), PG-13
So, the organization has told the scout what work
At work and you notice some unethical practices taking place. In school, were taught not to plagiarize, and the same is true for Scouting worksheets. 0000004594 00000 n
By having a conversation and expressing your needs, you may find that the people you interact with are much more understanding than youd expect! A community is a small group of people with whom you share commonalities. I have a
For this requirement, you can borrow my above examples of common ethical decisions or come up with your own! Thanks for helping make the world a better place through Scouting. Your actions have ripple effects, so always do your best to do the right thing (especially if it scares you). Please discuss this with your counselor and parents. of worship, or school. What will you do? . This merit badge provides Scouts with opportunities to learn more about our world by encouraging them to explore information on diversity, equity, inclusion and ethical leadership and to learn why these qualities are important in society and in Scouting. When: Saturday, June 5, 2021, 1:00PM-3:00PM. 0000001973 00000 n
New Senior Scout Passport Program. Share your own stories of fun troop experiences or tell them. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge (in person) Earn your Citizenship in the Community merit badge at The Morton Arboretum. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Clinic And it's harder than it sounds,
I am not sure when and where that effect will occur, and I may never know, but nevertheless, I know it will be there! Show
I updated this list for troops with mixed girls and boys. of Winn-Dixie". All the info you need is already inside of you! I love this site. @ Ryan Hauck
Great! Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge | Boy Scouts of America View current Citizenship in the Community Merit Bagde requirements and resources from the official Boy Scouts of America Merit Badge Hub Now its time to begin earning your Citizenship in the Community merit badge. 0000006003 00000 n
Add your own recommendations for movies for Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge to the comments below. Citizenship in the Nation Merit Badge | Boy Scouts of America By building libraries and public schools, a community can increase the opportunities available to its young people. Stage your presentation
With your counselor's and your parent's approval, contact the
Stage your presentation in front of your merit badge counselor or a group, such as your patrol or a class at school. Fewer than 100 years ago in the US, we discriminated against all black children in this way and forced them to attend segregated schools. such as trailblazing or maintenance,
The Eagle-required Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge will have you do all three of these things and teach you the skills necessary to become an upstanding member of your community. So consider, what does leadership mean to you? Im working on completing my Citizenship in the Community merit badge and found this meeting to be really interesting. While I can't tell my past self what I know now, I can teach you all the smart Scouting knowledge that I wish I'd known when just starting out. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge BSA Troop 387 Colonial Heights UMC Kingsport TN 2 Introduction Eagle Required Merit Badge Helpful ideas for completing requirements Requirement-specific resources 3 Starting a Merit Badge Get a Blue Card from Ms. Reese in the Troop office. To see the changes which were made, Click here. We are all unique. rec department. @Mary - They can be earned in any order. Wearing a scout uniform to town meetings, interviews, and volunteer work tends to yield better results. But he didnt. Citizenship in the Community - BSA Troop 40 Volunteering and contributing to others brings a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. around as he learns about the community history and
Discuss what you come up with with your merit badge counselor! Citizenship in the Community Book. However, while equality means everyone has the same opportunities, equity takes into account that some people have more disadvantages than others and tries to give resources to the neediest members of our society. Very useful for doing all merit badge work. 0000003684 00000 n
Thanks for reading! To obtain a list of registered Merit Badge Counselors, or to begin a Merit Badge, please contact your Scoutmaster or Council Service Center. Ask what is being done about this issue and how young people
to define the volunteering tasks. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This merit badge emphasizes how a Scout can participate in society at a local level where the biggest impact tends to occur. Do you have 2 minute free so that I can ask you a couple of questions?. Before we dive into learning some important definitions, lets quickly take a second to review the BSAs DEI Statement. Someone whos handicapped and uses a wheelchair might need financial support to be able to cover medical bills. Citizenship in the Community - Merit Badge Workbook Page. Resources for Citizenship in the Community Merit BadgeUse Google Maps to find facilities, parks, and points of interest around your community.Understand the Branches of Local Government. Pamphlet Publication Number:
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Certainly one of the reasons is to demonstrate that YOU could be the one person that makes a difference in a big way! 33% of residents were under the age of 18; 4.9% were between the ages of 18 and 24; 34.4% were from 25 to 44; 22.1% were from 45 to 64; and 5.5% were 65 years of age or older. . projects that lend well to social
Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge All Merit Badges Revised January, 2016 Requirements for the Citizenship In The Community merit badge: Discuss with your counselor what citizenship in the community means and what it takes to be a good citizen in your community. What should be on a service hours form for Scouts or units wanting to record their participation in service projects? Thanks so much for reading, and for making our world a better place. You dont feel too confident about the subject and are really tempted to cheat. -Hidden Figure (2017), PG
Leadership can mean different things to different people, based on their values and past experiences. If you agree with something said, be sure to say so and compliment the person on their idea! With your counselor's and a parent's approval, interview one person from the branch of government you identified in requirement 4a. Click here. They also research the history, culture, and demographics in their area. The movie I use for #5 is Cars. Share what you have learned with your counselor. Many of these young people will eventually start their own families within the community, contributing to future services and helping society grow even further. Here are a few more ideas for creating a welcoming troop environment: If you can create a more friendly and welcoming atmosphere in your Scouting unit, you can certainly do so in the real world as well! Per National regulations, the only person who may sign off on requirements is a Merit Badge Counselor, duly registered and authorized by the local Council. Citizenship in the Nation Book. When someones fearful or bitter, they can create incorrect beliefs to help them make sense of the world. Learn how to earn your merit badge. movies made in the last 12 years that were popular enough to make
You know plagiarism is wrong. My son's patrol decided to work on this together, and we chose to watch "Boycott" - it's a great film,
So please get permission from both before you watch the movie. Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Vision: To partner with all families and communities in raising young people of high moral character, developing their leadership skills, and preparing them to serve and thrive in a world of increasing diversity, complexity, and challenge. If youre a leader, its important to help the people around you feel heard and included. can demonstrate good citizenship in your community, Scouting unit, place
After finding your states page, the sections on government organizations are typically in the government section near the top of the page in the header. Your email address will not be published. Get a Blue Card from Ms. Reese in the Troop office. On a final note,if youre pushing to reach Eagle, you might also want to check out some of my otherEagle-required merit badge guides. The photograph above is from the movie, Ghandi, starring Ben Kingsley. This site is very resourceful. If you're interested in difficulty rankings and recommendations of when to complete each Eagle-required merit Hey there, reader! Youll later need to volunteer with a charitable organization, so Id recommend asking the following: If, from the employees answers, the charitable organization seems like one youd enjoy volunteering with, make plans to help. To learn more of my best methods of ethical leadership for disagreeable Scouts, you should check out my article on 5 Helpful Ways To Lead Difficult Scouts (Without Acting Like A Jerk!). cleanup campaign. No one else seems to care, but whats going on is clearly illegal. After your volunteer experience is over, discuss what you have learned with your counselor. 0000024601 00000 n
Their local community was negatively impacted by paranormal activity the public library, hotels, the streets, everywhere the city was gripped in fear. List some of the services (such as the library, recreation center,
(You can also subscribe to the ScoutSmarts Scribe Newsletter for regular updates!). The link between a person living in a community and the community; it is associated with the right to live and work in the community and to participate in the political life of the community. BSA Troop 387 Colonial Heights UMC Kingsport TN. Attending local events, discussing local concerns, and actively assisting in your community. You can use the official locator from to find your states website outlining the structure of your local and state governments. 0000028234 00000 n
Now, its time to get started! Later, youll use this information youve been learning to get involved in your community and practice the skills necessary to make a difference! However, in groups where most people share a similar identity, its easy to think of the people outside of your group as different. Unfortunately, that seemingly harmless mindset is often the cause of racism and prejudiced beliefs. As a core part of the BSA Vision, citizenship education is critical to a Scout advancing. Bringing. work for the good of your community. I earned my Eagle back in 2014, and along the way, learned how to be a dependable leader. After youve completed the required 8 hours (at minimum) of volunteer work, speak with your merit badge counselor. Before we get started, if you have other Eagle-required merit badges to earn, Id recommend checking out myDifficulty Ranking Guide to Every Eagle-required Badge. Overview Requirements Hints Resources, Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge Info. This will help you to learn even more about the landmarks within your community. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ScoutSmarts with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Before or after your meeting, speak with one of the community members and ask them their take on the issue theyll be discussing. is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. Hear me out . work, the scout should contact the organization to find out what
that shows how the actions of one individual or group of individuals
projects in some of their properties,
Throughout his life, Mandelas values drove him to never take the easy way out, and instead drove him to lead with ethics and conviction. Requirement 5 for the Scouts BSA Citizenship in the Community merit badge reads: With the approval of your counselor and a parent, watch a movie that shows how the actions of one individual or group of individuals can have a positive effect on a community. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge - USSCOUTS.ORG requirement 4b. I am using first time
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Being an upstander isnt easy, but by helping make others feel welcome and respected, youll be a great citizen whos on the path to success! By showing respect for those who follow you, and inspiring them to be their best most ethical selves, you demonstrate ethical leadership. Do some exploring throughout the website to find the top offices of your local and state government. Help new Scouts to complete basic requirements and learn skills so that they have something to be proud of right off the bat! work for this requirement. 0000003768 00000 n
It provides freedom from double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and uncompensated property seizures, and a guarantee of a fair trial by jury. For instance, your school, friend group, family, Scout unit, and local area are all examples of communities that you are a part of. Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge - Scouting Web 0000031635 00000 n
Thanks for reading! 0000006814 00000 n
-Lincoln (2012), PG-13
Discuss with your counselor what citizenship in the community means and what it takes to be a good citizen in your community. The requirement states very specifically that you must have permission to watch the movies from your parents (or guardians) and your merit badge counselor.