dollar general lawsuit working off the clock

dollar general lawsuit working off the clock

dollar general lawsuit working off the clock

Performing job duties during lunch breaks. I worked there 11 years and I never had a uninterrupted 30 or 10min break they fired me because I was starting to find out about what the store manager was up to and they used my sick time and wont tell me why, Your email address will not be published. But I did for several months.First manager was school smart and told no experience they brought in a new manager, I trained her as well. /Type /Page stream 22 0 obj You do not get paid for those 8hrs and if somebody calls out, and you do not have an extra person to cover, you are going in and working more hrs for free. If an employee makes the decision to arrive at work early and begin working on the computer, reading emails, working off-the-clock has taken place. The company has a rule that a worker may not clock in more than seven minutes in advance of a shift or clock out more than seven minutes after a shift end. PDF Beaver V Dollar General - Class Action /Type /Page Do I qualify for the lawsuit? /StructParents 12 /Contents [73 0 R 74 0 R 75 0 R] This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline. Lawyer directory. Employees should be clocked in during work. /Parent 8 0 R /URI (https://www.classaction.org/news/dollar-general-clocked-with-unpaid-wage-class-action) Because of this, there are long lines of employees waiting to clock in or clock out. Working off the clock is illegal under both federal and California labor laws. I told her no HR said they were terminating me, but I didn't quit. Oh mercy I have had nothing but problems since the transfer began. Unpaid Wages Lawsuit: Time Required for Work - LawyersAndSettlements.com Because of this, Terry says, he and other members of this Class have been cheated out of pay that was due them. << and no time off. /Resources 67 0 R /StructParents 23 Many times before the manager took hours off my travel time, lunch, etc. I worked at dollar tree and my manager would often times adjust my hours so he wouldnt get in trouble for over time he made me work. /XObject << I worked for Dollar General in Mississippi would like paperwork for class action I was told if I resigned I would not get paid for vacation I also had to stay on premises for breaks. /Kids [14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R 21 0 R 22 0 R 23 0 R They said they had been watching for months why wait till I wouldnt travel to say something if they had all that and why am I the only one that was let go when I know for a fact of employees that are there today steeling. Also, Dollar Tree allegedly has a practice of rounding down to the nearest 15 minutes. /StructParents 17 Countless hours off the clock to keep the store recovered and seasonal put out. I feel it was unjust to beef let go like that after everything I had done for the store after being put in a position and just left to deal with things on my own. I applied for unemployment. >> I had to take this test at home which was anywhere from 3 to 5 hours. << The attorneys at Capstone Law APC are licensed to practice in the State of California. >> /W 0 stream /Resources << /Contents [148 0 R 149 0 R 150 0 R] >> Dollar General recently announced it will install about 40,000 sneeze guards and provide employees with gloves across its stores, the company told NBC News. document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 Top Class Actions. /StructParents 0 Similarly, an employer may request an employee perform work duties off the clock. My other assistant got overwhelmed and walked out of the leaving me to work open to close the whole week as we could not find any other manager willing to come to our store. /Font << The act of awaiting work when the job is not yet available. So, 20 minutes to go get him and back, for a total of 40 minutes. (gI?zX]?woR'`{XAx$u7KX85g}mOu:gKp6/{1[z*4cCG"*k(xjycjmO4w`c1V,k0FEX\4,m`$N5Q2^-P|T(v.?ILI];_D)IMpvR"Q, Beaver et al v. Dollar General Corporation - 1:17-cv-01014. /Tabs /S You must contact the The FLSA requires that employees be paid for all work, even if the work was not specifically requested. Employer can provide activities such as time spent traveling, attending training sessions, answering emails. The employer expects availability after hours, the potential liability for unpaid hours increases because the employer reasonably should have known that work was being performed. It is a major problem statewide. Do personal care providers get overtime pay? fWTTjC#WTSj"0V]@TVk?,2` @!vPIl f^,Jc(ROlb{"D 2HxbEX>n /Contents [182 0 R] endobj /F1 180 0 R With the exception of some upper management positions, the employer must pay overtime to workers who work more than forty hours per week. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] within the three (3) years preceding the filing of this lawsuit. No need to spend hours finding a lawyer, post a job and get custom quotes from experienced lawyers instantly. 40 0 obj /Parent 8 0 R /Group 126 0 R /A << /C [0 0 1] Wage theft is the illegal practice of not paying workers for all of their work including; violating minimum wage laws, not paying overtime, forcing workers to work off the clock, and much more. The employees are exempt from overtime, this is not a problem because they get the same salary every week, regardless of the total hours worked for employees entitled to overtime, any work performed must be counted and paid. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding 39 0 obj These service providers are not permitted to use the information collected on our behalf except to help us conduct and improve our business. % /Contents [177 0 R] I took my so called lunch break, I was interrupted as usual to do a return. Does anyone else have to work off the clock : r/DollarGeneral /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022 Overtime Pay Laws, All Rights Reserved | Call (757) 278-0364 For Free Case Review | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer. >> I gave her the keys, came home wrote the CEO of the corporation. Employers showing that they acted in good faith, evidencing due diligence in response to FLSA adherence, may supersede such a claim. Once she gutted my store she moved in a asst. << /StructParents 11 I can provide the schedules I worked as I kept them. This is a frequent thing for DG. The best way of avoiding liabilities for overtime work by employees, is to strictly control task times, as well as employee breaks and lunches. A recent Dollar General class action lawsuit claims that the bargain store discriminates against its pregnant employees. even if I need to clock in; Dollar General uses the 15 min. I am overworked and bout ready to drop this is ridiculous especially with a company that keeps building stores and not enough workers to work them!! Can anyone do anything about this over this way. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] Plus I don't get any days off if I'm lucky I get one day off a week. Beaver et al v. Dollar General Corporation - 1:17-cv-01014 Moreover, contacting us, whether through this website or by other means, does not create an attorney-client relationship. I work any where from 50 to 70 hours a week. members' after shift "off-the-clock" work. /F1 175 0 R And i think also any where in the US people have gone through the same. So I did the only thing I could do to fix things that needed to properly be fixed and only that, the assistant that left gave me her information so I could do what needed to be done. You should contact an attorney to provide more information so you can receive more meaningful advise. 17 0 obj The lawsuit alleges the following violations against Dollar General: failing to calculate the regular rate of pay properly, for purposes of paying overtime; not paying at least minimum wages for all . Not to mention to take him home after the shift. /Font << I quit because I refuse to work for a corporation that feeds off their employee's for profit. even if it takes up to 14 minutes to take care of the transaction; when I clock back out 1-14 minutes later, the time clock rounds that to 15 minutes past the hour. They gave me my last check but tell me I have to contact ap for my milage pay but ap didnt promise me pay my DM did and I shouldnt have to hunt down my money. Not showing 31 hours of work time!! They didnt like all the overtime we ate pulling, but what were we supposed to do? /Annots [] /Resources 102 0 R assistant store managers and lead sales associates. 2:15-cv-00878, in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California. I don't get meal breaks at all only one smoke break but that's it. /Type /Pages /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] And was never compensated for any of it. /Annots [] 30 0 obj 33 0 obj /Parent 3 0 R According to the Department of Labor (DOL), employees must be paid for all extra hours worked, including working through their lunch break. endobj Transmission of the information on this site does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. /Type /Page Shift control is key to limiting overtime. The penalties under California off-the-clock work law, for example, are up to $200 per worker for every pay period during which off-the-clock work was performed. Although some managers may misunderstand they are requiring employees to work off-the-clock, extra work is deemed fine. The FLSA regulations literally state that management cannot sit back and accept the benefits of an employees labor without paying for the time. Of your sm see you worked off the clock and does not add that time to your pay they can be fired. << 43 0 obj << << /Type /Page /Type /Page /Annots [] Lawsuits can be collective as well. xSMO@_17..Po~'&L0-n}w-j7y3&l*%x&tm3 /Resources 112 0 R Stating they could only find 2 hours and some change of time i not paid. /XObject << August 04, 2006. >> Currently working on a state comp lawsuit due to Dollar Gen Corp directing employees to work while clocked out on break as well as Dollar Gen Corp directing employees to clock out 5-30 minutes before they're completely done and leave. 35 0 obj I was told to do my training (cbl's) on my day off it took 11 hours. /Type /Font << 5 0 obj Time recording is the most important element of accountability. You are being cheated out of wages you have earned. >> /Tabs /S /Resources << /Contents [108 0 R 109 0 R 110 0 R] >> /Type /Page /Tabs /S This is garbage. /Contents [158 0 R 159 0 R 160 0 R] When an employee is instructed to rework a project without pay. /Parent 8 0 R If I hadnt picked up the manager, Ive been sitting in the parking lot for a whole shift doing nothing. 7 0 obj Capstone Law APC maintains their law office in Los Angeles, California and practices law in the State of California in state and federal courts. An employee working unpaid may request back-pay, including compensation for liquidated damages. << I have worked for Dollar Tree for almost 5 years, last year I would show up on time at 3 a.m., to unload truck. /Resources 147 0 R Be sure to give your name, telephone number, and the best time to reach you, and an attorney will get back to you soon. I do take one day off, don't care if DG likes it or not. ClassAction.org is a group of online professionals (designers, developers and writers) with years of experience in the legal industry. Employers often deny or unlawfully refuse to pay overtime by misclassifying the positions of the workers, requiring them to report to work early but not punch the clock until later, striking hours off time cards, or not paying them for work before the shift starts and after the employee punches out for the day. /Annots [] failing to calculate the regular rate of pay properly, for purposes of paying overtime; not paying at least minimum wages for all hours worked (relating to hours worked off-the-clock); not providing employees with timely, uninterrupted meal and/or rest breaks; not paying employees one hour of pay for each missed meal or rest break; not providing employees proper wage statements (pay stubs); failing to maintain accurate payroll records; not paying wages timely during employment and upon termination; failing to pay the time spent for and the costs of mandatory physical examinations and/or drug testing; and. Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. I would like to be involved in this lawsuit. Each week in was paid 160.00 under the table I received no pay stubs or anything. /Tabs /S /Length 377 << There are 12,423 Stores. endobj Exemption of employees from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requirements, are those rules which are considered to be: Under the FLSA, all non-exempt workers must be paid for all hours worked. endobj The lawsuit alleges the following violations against Dollar General: not paying all overtime wages; failing to calculate the regular rate of pay properly, for purposes of paying overtime; not paying at least minimum wages for all hours worked (relating to hours worked off-the-clock); /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] I have been working for dollar general since December 2015 and I'm a lead now I was an assistant manager I stepped down to a lead because I was told that I had to work when the manager wasn't going to be in the store and we have other leads working also if I needed to be off and she was off I was told I couldn't be off also I have been there 2yrs and some months and on my hour lunch break I have to clock out but still work because I always work with a cashier so there for I have to help the cashier if they get a line I have to give a key turn if they need one yet and still I'm suppose to be on my break and this happens all the time. k`/jJ[4 ,"|D8/6( v JYr-2/ T,}]8 lV$ 9C p }DYxask5k5[kj;CNU0]%XryPGP-7/+PXSrZ8L]V6ORM1vOt;>Obc,)Z=KwU:P9wclwn#[G,o06V{rwJ&`v1Z4-2l2JL/n:tC#L 0?wZUvoGPd\6;J{+HjL2wAvzEf14imYdxz),zSPcfL~X1yamMw~/j35@pBP{VUSy{t|/>#v:d~N+Nb!=&Kx@WR9W #'};hIlO'%:;M#Q4XX.j? /Resources 57 0 R status of any class action settlement claim. Unpaid preparation is classified as pre-work act such as truck warming, loading, transferring of equipment or worksite preparation, are scenarios where a worker is at times off-the-clock. >> They were treating me like a regular worker instead of manager I did stocking my first 3 days instead of proper assistant manager training . /Type /Outlines >> Being required to check or respond to voicemails or emails when you're off the clock. /Type /Catalog >> FLSA prohibits employees working off-the-clock without due cause. 5 minutes to the bank is actually 10 minutes. Privacy Policy | /Parent 8 0 R >> >> She insisted I go to bank every day before 2, then used it to fire me because she was angry over over not getting her bonus. Common examples of off-the-clock work violations include: Unpaid pre-shift and post-shift work such as: Attending meetings or training, or; Performing opening and closing tasks. Can I sue the dollar general for working off the clock We should get paid anything over our required hours of 48.75. x+ | Once I had the store turned around and profitable(#2 in district) and had my customer connect numbers in the top 10 in the region my Dm started firing my employees. Ive worked for Dollar Tree for 6 years, and I mostly didnt hate it, the store I worked at in Michigan was nice, with good people, there were never any real issues. /Annots [] 15 0 obj An unpaid wages lawsuit seeking class action status (case number 3:13-cv-02698-MEM) has been filed against Amazon Inc., alleging employees at the company's facility in Pennsylvania were. When a store manager arrived I was asked to train this manager to take the store position. Altering shift times is common way of working off-the-clock, as well as working during lunch breaks. I want you dollar store employees to know that you are lining the pockets of the share holders and that is WRONG!!! /Font << Dollar Tree Wage and Hour Lawsuit Claims Unfair Time Clock System Find a lawyer near you. endobj I know that the employee's of Dollar General are working more then 30 min. /StructParents 18 /Count 24 /Type /Page According to the news outlet, 38-year-old Eric Sica was fired from his job as a stocking clerk at a Dollar General in Point Pleasant. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] This is a frequent thing for DG. >> Yes, mandatory overtime is legal, but if an employer doesn't pay their employees for working off the clock, the employees can file a lawsuit for unpaid wages against their employer, which can be costly . /Font << Executive, administrative, or professional working in specified industries having commission-based contracts. Contacting Us Dollar General Class Action Alleges Discrimination Against Pregnant So basically, most of the time your "off the clock" lunch is interrupted, your working for free. Due to integration of the FLSA in most state labor law, U.S. employee rights are protected insofar that they must be paid the minimum wage, as well as overtime, and the same compensatory or insurance benefits as other workers in the same role. He had an investigator check into my story. Similarly, unpaid work post-shift, like finishing, cleaning, and returning equipment is off-the-clock. Performing sidework. It would be nice if the C E O of Dollar Tree would come and work in some of his stores, So he can Understand and feel what employees feel, like the Undercover Boss!!!!! Dollar Tree says that their workers are treated fairly when it comes to rest breaks and meal breaks. Yes i believe such thing like this because here in PA they have done the same thing. and our /Contents [128 0 R 129 0 R 130 0 R] Hi,I'm a store manager for DG as we speak.What I have seen through the years I've been here is you work every day all day long because this company thinks the store manager don't have a life on the outside .This company is a million dollar Corporation you would think they would match the hours with the work load that comes in the stores ,why do that when us managers work 48 to 90 hours a week with no incentives for our hard work were human to. Started out as a cashier and ended as a store Manager. /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Filter /FlateDecode Put it application, manager hired me under the table, had me doing the work that the other employees wouldn't do, for way less pay. /Names 4 0 R WOW!!!. WE GOT ROBBED, YES I SAID ROBBED, HELD UP AT GUN POINT, DISTRICT MANAGER JOESPH, DIDNT EVEN ANSWER THE PHONE. /ProcSet [/PDF /Text] /S /S Employer guidelines should be clear and provide explicit examples of what constitutes off-the-clock infringements in the workplace to not foster misinterpretations. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. wouldn't be around much longer so she quit along with one of my cashiers. /Tabs /S Posted on Apr 12, 2012. D. dolly06 of Griffin, US. /Tabs /S I worked Family Dollar in New Iberia, La. But plaintiffs dont agree that policies are fair. Thomas denied that misconduct and said she told the employees to take the computer training "off the clock." We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you enter, submit, or access your personal information. Working off the clock labor is that which is unpaid or not contributing to overtime pay, and is usually illegal.8 min read. /Parent 9 0 R Working off the clock labor is that which is unpaid or not contributing to overtime pay, and is usually illegal. 1875 Century Park East, Suite 1000 >> In the lawsuit filed last week in U.S. District Court in Nashville, Mary Clark, a former assistant manager at a Dollar General Store in Moulton, Ala., and Michelle Shannon, a former assistant manager at a store in Cullman, Ala., said they were required or permitted to work off the clock before and after regular shifts. I was left go just before Christmas being told I stole hours, and asked how they could even prove that I was there at those times. failing to reimburse work-related business expenses. endobj In addition to several health and safety problems, and security issues, I have also experience wage theft. endobj The company has a rule that a worker may not clock in more than seven minutes in advance of a shift or clock out more than seven minutes after a shift end. They were going to hire someone but I don't know what happened but my main question is why the hell do they need 3or 4 managers for Dollar general. /Contents [58 0 R 59 0 R 60 0 R] This Dollar Tree wage and hour lawsuit is seeking to certify a Class of hundreds of Dollar Tree distribution center employees who claim that they have been shortchanged on pay and that the companys system of clocking meal and rest breaks is unfair and cheats them of time that should be spent for break time. First, choose your state: . /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] /Tabs /S In Starbucks case, California court says workers owed for off-the-clock << /Annots [] About 5 minutes later the cashier came to tell me that the DM was on the phone, explaining to me that the women that was in there was a District Manager from another district and that I had been rude to her because I went back to break. << US Department of Transportation Overtime Pay Lawsuits For Telecommuting Jobs. The main objective is that employers implement an accurate procedure to track employee hours, and a reporting instrument to retain as record. /Parent 8 0 R Certain employees are considered " exempt . Specifically, in both lawsuits against BMW and Dollar General, the EEOC charges that BMW and Dollar General did not take steps to reasonably accommodate . OCgXNezZYer1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP, I NO LONGER WORO OFF THE CLOCK AND IT WAS FIXED, NOW ALL EMPLOYEES CLOCK OUT BEFORE WE SET ALARMS AND LEAVE. /Type /Page /Type /Page /F1 172 0 R Working off the Clock in California: What Are Your Rights Fair Labor Standards Act: Everything You Need to Know. dn 0zm\wt#5F++kt?f?( TPoY>#i=+Mcnq_Em>/\uE/2Do Unpaid overtime law: Off-the-clock, employee - Class Action Lawsuits and I started out as cashier and ended up as Store Manager, I have a lot to say, I worked numerous hrs without overtime pay, use vacation hrs to save payroll and worked off the clock. Some days I didnt have help to process trucks and my son and fiance had to come help me. /XObject << endobj /Contents [163 0 R 164 0 R 165 0 R] Dollar General Store Faces Unpaid Wages Class Action Lawsuit Before commenting, please review our comment policy. >> /Resources 132 0 R Employers could easily recognize who was working late because the employees had to stay in the building to continue working. Many of my hour lunches disrupted to the point I only ended up with 5 or 10 minutes of my break left. I worked for dollar general in ga for 3 years from 2013 to 2016 the manager who hired me was about 21 she was white i was overlooked for promotions due to her being obsessed with dating blacks. Our law firm is organized into four main practice areas Labor & Employment, Consumer Rights, Automotive Defects, and Securities Fraud. Federal law defines employment to include permit to work, or suffer as result of the activity. Working Off the Clock: Everything You Need to Know - UpCounsel endobj /Parent 8 0 R endobj >> >> I signed paperwork to receive my claim and was told I would hear from them soon as it was mailed. Employers never know when a relationship will deteriorate in the future, so compliance is essential. /Resources << And according to my DM we are suppose to be on call24/7 as a store manager, I WAS A STORE MANAGER FOR 3 YEARS AND ALSO WORKED 70 HOURS A WEEK AND ONLY GOT PAID FOR 40 HOURS A WEEK. /Parent 8 0 R /Type /Page /ITXT (2.1.7) Back in 2014, there was a public-entity lunch break case that highlighted a worker's right to spend his or her lunch break uninterrupted. Wal-Mart to Settle Suits Over Pay - The New York Times Court Decertifies Class in Dollar General Wage and Hour Lawsuit So I didnt get to start my shift for 40 minutes yet did not get compensated for that. /Contents [48 0 R 49 0 R 50 0 R] /Title (Beaver et al v. Dollar General Corporation - 1:17-cv-01014) Our website, products and services are all directed to people who are at least 13 years old or older. We will discuss your situation and determine if you have a claim. Then This year I suddenly needed to move, so I transferred to a new store location. Hi I was recently employed by dollar general I worked there approximately 2 weeks. I would go in early and stay late to help with freight. /Resources 137 0 R Employees who have experienced the same circumstances if an employer has practiced non-payment for off-the-clock work can sue as part of a collective FLSA action. /Type /Page << I also worked for this Company as an ASM, I didn't get meal breaks and I also worked sis days a week sometimes opening and closing the store. /Type /Page Your Consent /MediaBox [0 0 612 792] You have to schedule yourself a minum of 48hrs. /StructParents 7 Two former employees have filed a proposed class action that claims defendant Dollar General Corporation required them to work off the clock without proper overtime. endobj /Group 81 0 R /Annots [] Taking the responsibility to ensure that employees are working at times clearly set by policies, as well as training supervisors, and limiting access to technology are recommendations to meeting workplace best practices under FLSA. You may, however, visit our site anonymously. endobj This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. SOURCE Dollar General Corporation CONTACT: Investor Contact, Emma Jo Kauffman, +1-615-855-5525, or Media Contact, Andrea Ewin Turner, +1-615-855-5209, both of Dollar General Corporation In fact, they claim, the production line is stopped for over 30 minutes for lunch breaks, which is more than the mandated time. /Type /Page /Annots [] The Company store support center is located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. endobj Avvo has 97% of all lawyers in the US. /Type /Page endobj The plaintiffs say Dollar General maintained a policy of allowing, inducing, and incentivizing store managers to require, force, expect, encourage and/or suffer and permit proposed class members to work off the clock before, during and after shifts.

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dollar general lawsuit working off the clock

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