what did kakashi do as hokage

what did kakashi do as hokage

what did kakashi do as hokage

Kakashi rushes off to lend assistance, only to be told on arrival that the SOS was sent accidentally when Guy was struggling with seasickness. Sasuke is enraged by this use of an Uchiha's ability and threatens to make Kakashi suffer. A Flicker in Time By: Myst Marshall. all of that made Kakashi exactly the kind of person you want assigning missions. What is Shisuis Mangekyou Sharingan Ability? Kakashi is devastated to discover that the friend whose death he's mourned for over a decade is actually alive. Kahy attacks Kakashi and removes his Chains of Ice so he can fight back, but he stops short of killing her when he realises that's what she wants out of regret for her actions. Kakashi was also known outside the village where many shinobi from different villages knew him as Kakashi the Copy Ninja. Before he could be crushed by a large boulder, Obito pushed him out of the way, becoming trapped instead. As an adult, Kakashi typically has a relaxed and almost bored attitude, not prone to getting too worked up about anything or by anyone. [25] Knowing that Wood Release was unique to the First Hokage, Kakashi broke in to the Hokage Residence to see what he could learn about this anomaly. Haku traps Sasuke in his Demonic Mirroring Ice Crystals, which Zabuza blocks Kakashi from helping him escape from. Kakashi finds somewhere out of the way for them to ride out the trip. During the Third Shinobi World War, he wore a black T-shirt with white stripes in the middle of the sleeves, additional sleeves over his arms, metal arm protectors, leather straps around his back and chest, and dark pants. Kakashi was a great mentor and caretaker to Naruto and he saved him when he was in danger. When he first meets his students on Team 7, Kakashi claims to have many hobbies, none of which he chooses to share at the time. That MIGHT make him the weakest Hokage. In addition, for the three aircraft carriers, Watergate also has the idea of taking them. Over time, Kakashi comes to accept that Rin chose to die, so his guilt instead became more about his broken promise to Obito to keep Rin safe. He is also well-versed in finjutsu, impressing Orochimaru.[61]. So, to summarize as we can deduce from the events in the anime and manga, Kakashi Hatake was 32 years old when he became the Sixth Hokage, succeeding Tsunade in that position. [55] Also, his ongoing competitions with Might Guy make him just as comfortable attacking from the front, striking with blazing speed and debilitating precision to quickly defeat multiple enemies. Kakashi agrees to these terms, but insists on being allowed to eliminate Tobi with Kamui when he comes to fetch Sasuke; Tobi stops him, telling him it won't work, and leaves with Sasuke. He plans to go there to join Naruto, but his own Kamui is slow enough for Madara to stop him. She was last seen in the epilogue, attending the wedding of Naruto and Hinata with other recent Kage who have also retired. Kakashi is prevented from helping Guy by the appearance of Kahy. He neglects to tell them that they must enter as a team, not wanting any of them, especially Sakura, to feel pressured to participate. Similar Post:Naruto Infinite Tsukuyomi Explained, Fans usually wonder Did Kakashi Become Hokage in Naruto?. At a Land of Fire inn after the ordeal, Kakashi spoke on the phone with Naruto, reporting that they expected to return to Konoha later that same day. It succeeds the second time, destroying two of Kakuzu's hearts and putting the last one on the brink of failure. +5 more years (2 years ago since start of Boruto series), Boruto was 10 while Himawari was 5 when Naruto was inaugurated as the Seventh Hokage. When Sasuke returns an injured Hiashi Hyga to Konoha, Hiashi reports that Hanabi, and by extension her rescuers, are on the Moon. As Naruto returns to Konoha, Kakashi goes to meet him and carries him back, where his victory is celebrated by all the villagers. How Did Kakashi Become Hokage? Escape From The Hokage's Hat (Fanfic) - TV Tropes Once they locate the Akatsuki members, Hidan and Kakuzu, Kakashi hides until Kakuzu is driven to use his Earth Spear, at which point Kakashi pierces him through the heart with his Lightning Cutter. Kakashi pulls away, sets down Haku's body, and, angered by what's happened, proceeds to debilitate both of Zabuza's arms. While waiting for Sasuke, he strikes up a conversation with Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yhi, quietly alerting them to the men in cloaks. When they see his face, Guy and Kakashi recognise Tobi as Obito Uchiha. - Daichi and sensei gave a detailed report of their findings to the Hokage. Aware that the Armament Alliance was originally motivated by the death of Kahy's innocent son, Kakashi tries to point out that the Armament Alliance's actions now threaten the innocent passengers. Boruto voiced his envy of Kakashi for having such experience-building missions from childhood. Main article: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze In the anime, Kakashi is sent to the Land of Birds as backup for Naruto, Tenten, and Neji Hyga as they investigate the Cursed Warrior. Kakashi also had a noted gift for analysing situations and people. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur during the Sasuke Retsuden Arc. Seeing this dream realised has been a real tearjerker for most fans . [80] Even when he doesn't use this system of misdirection and decoys, he remains alert to any unexplained or unexpected occurrences, coming up with theories for their causes when they arise and exploiting them if they prove true, which they usually do. Kakashi and Guy soon found them, learning that the rumoured hot spring was a ruse conceived by remnants of the near-forgotten Jashin cult to restore their former glory and power. It can manifest either swords or shuriken to aid him in battle, the latter of which can produce Kamui Shuriken in order to warp away whatever they cut. When Does Kakashi Become Hokage? - Storysaid.com 56% Upvoted. Isamu Tatsuageru is the last known survivor of her clan. Read the whole article for a clear understanding. Kakashi eventually comes to consider Guy one of his closest and most reliable friends, and by the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War he acknowledges that Guy has surpassed him. You can call me Ahmad. Team 7 arrives at the Akatsuki lair shortly after Team Guy does, who were sent as backup by Tsunade. Kakashi decided to leave and not report anything about the Iburi or Root's involvement. Like the last time they fought, Haku shields the attack and Zabuza cuts at Kakashi through Haku with his Kubikiribch. The damaged Tobishachimaru starts rocking violently, flinging Rahy from the ship, and then rises into the air uncontrollably, threatening to suffocate everyone aboard. He is quite amazing. Kakashi had probably fought more S-Rank criminals than almost anyone else in world. Kakashi provides his ninken to Kiba in his place, believing they would be more useful to him. Since this left Konohagakure without a Kage, a new one had to be chosen. Following his retirement from active duty, Kakashi has become much more laid-back and relaxed, to the point of being unbothered by events and people surrounding him. Soon, they found the culprit, Koji Kashin, who made an escape. So when it was time to nominate someone for Hokage, Kakashi was nominated, being the only person who could play this role the best. With Sasuke gone to Orochimaru, Naruto decides to start training with Jiraiya and Sakura trains with Tsunade. Naruto thinks that Kakashi is going to kill Sasuke. The Sharingan became his most identifying feature in the years since then, such that he is widely known as "Kakashi of the Sharingan" (, Sharingan no Kakashi). As the main character's mentor and an eventual Kohona Hokage, Kakashi also happens to be one of the . They rush there, hoping to reach Sasuke before Tobi does, but they are too late and cannot rediscover his trail. There was a woman, standing in front of him, waiting but also seems alarm from him, and also has a weapon in her hand. He secretly watches them as they eat and sees Sasuke and Sakura give Naruto food against his instructions, needing Naruto in top form if they're to get a bell. What Episode Does Kakashi Die - How To Discuss Yet another reason is that the Land of Fire might have been in a more vulnerable state after the war, so a more experienced Hokage was in order. Five years before the events Kakashi Gaiden, Sakumo and his team were sent on a mission of great importance to Konoha. Unlike other Kages who simply resumed their duties, Kakashi ha. At 31, or 32 Kakashi is one of the youngest to have received the title of a Kage in the series. In addition to the long-range Kamui he'd originally had, he becomes able to use its short-range variant, allowing him to make his body intangible so that attacks phase through him. To his students on Team 7, Kakashi emphasises the importance of teamwork; he . He is later part of the reinforcements sent to Sunagakure to help deal with the Four Celestial Symbols Men, only to discover that Naruto's team already successfully completed the mission. Kakashi is actually grateful. Kakashi added Kinoe, now with the new codename "Tenz", to Team Ro.[32]. Seeing this, Kakashi conceded to help Boruto in learning to apply nature transformation to his Rasengan, deciding that Wind Release would be best. Since his early childhood, Kakashi was very independent and self-confident, at times even appearing arrogant and condescending. But Kakashi didnt get his Sharingan at birth, instead, he obtained it from Obito, which is why his chakra runs out whenever he uses the Sharingan. Complete! Upset with himself for not spending more time defusing Sasuke's angst, Kakashi goes after him, fearful that he and Naruto may kill each other. At Mirai's request, it wasagreed that the little girl could join them on their own trip. Kakashi informs Naruto, Sakura, and Sai that more than a hundred Kumo and Kiri shinobi have gone missing and learns from Sakura that a few Konoha shinobi are missing as well. Main article: In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths In that moment, Obito awakened his Sharingan and used it to kill Taiseki. They then entered the cave where Rin was being held, drove off Kakk, and released Rin from the genjutsu he placed her under. [56] He is strong enough to wield Kubikiribch with one hand for extended periods of time unfazed,[57] has reflexes sharp enough to block attacks he is unable to see,[58] and has immense speed that allows him to perform hand seals at unreadable rates. When he notices Sasuke going off on his own to fight Gaara, Kakashi locates Sakura and sends her, Naruto, and Shikamaru Nara after him to provide assistance; he summons Pakkun to help them follow Sasuke. Obito refused to go along with this and went off to save Rin by himself. During his Anbu career, he wore a simple blue suit with a grey flak jacket, strapped up sandals and arm guards that went up to his elbows. After an exchange of attacks, of which Kakashi blocks Tobi's with Kamui, Kakashi notices some slight damage to Tobi's mask. At what age did shisui awaken mangekyou? - buffalo.vhfdental.com Because this will cost Obito his life, Kakashi tries to convince him to find another way to make amends, but Obito replies that he doesn't deserve such an easy solution. This was the start of Boruto series, exactly 2 years since Naruto became the Seventh Hokage and Kakashi retired. Before he died, Jiraiya sent a number of things to Konoha that would help them against Pain, including an encrypted message. Kakashi and Kahy puncture the helium sacs keeping the ship afloat and Kahy attempts to control its descent with her ice. Dont misunderstand, he is not weak if we take into account his other qualities. [85] Later, Kakashi meets with the village leader, Disonasu, who Kakashi recognises as also an old partner of Orochimaru. Read Info on the fam from the story It Hurts (Kakashi x Student reader x Sasuke) by Number95914 with 1,626 reads. It Hurts (Kakashi x Student reader x Sasuke) - Info on the fam - Wattpad This holy man has lead the technological revolution of Konoha. Kakashi remained Hokage for almost a decade until he nominated another shinobi, the 7th Hokage. Despite Boruto's plan failing, Kakashi passed everyone, cheerfully noting that while they actually had zero chance of taking the bell, they succeeded in the true goal of the test: team-work and loyalty. Madara is stopped from finishing Guy off by Naruto's return, who Obito successfully saved. When they arrive in the country, they discover that the king has been overthrown by Shabadaba. Later, Victor, president of the Land of Valleys' premiere medical and research company, was defeated and revealed as a member of Kara. Kakashi feels that, had he cared about teamwork and friendship in the same way that Obito did, Obito's "death" might have been avoided. Obito briefly regains control for long enough to implore Kakashi to destroy his Rinnegan so that Madara can't acquire that too. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission When a light descends on the reincarnated jinchriki, a sign that the Impure World Reincarnation has been cancelled, Tobi takes drastic action and prematurely initiates the Ten-Tails' revival. Host: @Erinyes The Countdown Note: The schedule could still be changed/re-arranged depending on the hosts' availability. Kakashi, upset by how Zabuza and Haku were used for Akatsuki's purposes, takes up the Kubikiribch and promises to live up to his reputation as the copier of a thousand jutsu. She is also the first born and heir chieftain to her clan. Kakashi's taijutsu can take various approaches in close combat. Kakashi takes office as the Sixth Hokage. Naruto was already a Jounin here. When Does Kakashi Become Hokage After the War? Naruto and his shadow clones fail to take a bell and Sakura, who focuses on looking for Sasuke, is defeated by one of Kakashi's genjutsu. Kakashi sent Sai and a team of Anbu to the Land of Silence to investigate, but all go missing; the last communiqu suggests the Land of Silence's leader, Gengo, may be behind it all. Team 7 resumes its series of uninteresting missions, but Kakashi is nevertheless pleased by their development. It was hinted Kahryo was Hakus mother but was not confirmed. He went back to where Obito and Rin were, but Iwa reinforcements soon arrived and started constricting the rubble. Kakashi believes the best way to match Sasuke would be for Naruto to create a new jutsu. He overuses his Sharingan during the mission, forcing him to to stay in the hospital for a few days and giving his team a chance to have a vacation. He was always on top of everything whether it was ANBU, Jounin, or even the Police Force of the village. Main article: Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom Since Kakashi was the most skilled and experienced among them, he was chosen as Tsunades successor, although he was not thrilled with it. Kakashi was eventually able to rescue her and started taking her back to Konoha. Kakashi asks Obito why he never returned to Konoha, to which Obito replies that it's because Kakashi allowed Rin Nohara to die. Team 7 is sent to Sunagakure to lend assistance in rescuing Gaara. Kakashi attends the Third's funeral a few days later. In past, Kakashi nearly became Hokage during the 5 Kages Summit arc due to complications with Tsunades coma and the Hokage-successor, but when she nominated Kakashi himself, he officially became the Kage of Hidden Leaf Village (Konohagakure) also known as Hokage. Who killed Kakashi? Kakashi nevertheless feels guilty about not telling Naruto this - he feared Naruto would at some point blow his cover had he known - so promises to buy Naruto as much ramen as he can eat. Kakashi tells Sakura that she doesn't need to take responsibility for Sasuke since he, as Sasuke's former teacher, is much more to blame for the team's growing rift and current dire situation. Did kakashi do like. anything as a hokage yeah - Pinterest It Hurts (Kakashi x Student reader x Sasuke) - Chapter 9 - Wattpad Kakashi's obsession with the Icha Icha series. It seems however that the coup and the ambush we saw in Danzo's memory are one and the same (so Tobirama was on his way to the meeting when Kinkaku squad attacked) suggesting they did kill him. After separate attacks are made on Homura Mitokado and the Land of Fire's daimy, Kakashi assigns Sai to investigate; Kakashi believes Kido Tsumiki may be somehow involved, so recommends that Sai focus on him. He becomes the Hokage after the 4th Ninja war when Tsunade Senju steps down from her position, and Kakashi is seen sitting in her place. Shojoji was a dangerous man, once the leader of the Mujina . Kakashi wears Konoha's standard infantry clothing for most of Part I and Part II: a flak jacket, dark blue pants, and a long-sleeve shirt. He also becomes able to perform it faster, enough that opponents may not even notice he used it at all.[78]. Sasuke avoids doing so and Kakashi takes him away afterwards, applying the Evil Sealing Method to prevent the cursed seal's use. Fearing that the seal containing the beast is weakening, Kakashi decides to finish the battle quickly: he summons his ninken and has them track down his blood which is still on Zabuza's Kubikiribch. [22] He was later found by Konoha reinforcements, but none could explain the slaughter of all the Kiri forces, not knowing of Tobi's actions. It can be used for flight, defend others with its large size, and even have the intangibility of Kamui extended to it. After the mission, Kakashi became Sixth Hokage at age32. [10] Before they could leave, one of Orochimaru's snake experiments escaped its test tube and attacked the duo. Similar Post:Naruto Shippuden Filler List. Notes: Inspired by Obito ROOT!AU by crescentmoonrider. Kakashi is able to open at least one of the Eight Gates. Kakashi, the best hokage ever? | FanVerse sasukeuchiha, cussing, naruto. She's quite small, an average height for females. On the day of Naruto's Hokage inauguration, he fails to show up (having been knocked out earlier). Sakumo was famed throughout the shinobi world, having saved Konoha on at least one occasion; Kakashi in particular revered his father. As five Tailed Beast Balls bear down on them, Kakashi considers trying to use Kamui. [98] Because he acts as a link between the other main characters of the series, Kakashi is rarely featured prominently in promotional artwork, instead appearing in the background while his students are the focus of the scene. Naruto gathers the Konoha 11 and tells them his . But Kakashi was still able to do the job even with diminished capacity. With no time left to wait, Kakashi has Konohamaru Sarutobi impersonate Naruto so that the festivities can proceed as planned. How did he know the secret of his divine power?! Kakashi explained that a ninja with no resolve will only doom themselves and that Boruto is solely responsible for his classmates becoming so lazy and carefree. They travel to Rran, where Kakashi is assigned to plant explosive tags in the factory. Kakashi joined Naruto and his advisers when overseeing Ino probe one of the guard's his mind for answers, learning that Mitsuki had left willingly with the attackers. Here is a good video detailing these events: Now, when it comes to exact dates, Naruto is not that obvious, which makes this a relatively tricky question. . The second reason is that Naruto was only 17 at the end of the war and he was underage and immature to take the position of the Hokage. Kakashi asks where Tobi acquired his Sharingan, to which he replies it was on the same mission to the Kannabi Bridge that Kakashi got his own. Kakashi Hatake is a playable character in the following video games: In some games, Kakashi is playable in his Anbu attire and/or the clothes he wore during the Third Shinobi World War; the latter usually has its own moveset. Still, unlike some franchises, it is possible to deduce the chronology from the events, since some events have a (rough) date, and thanks to Laudy Dorado from Quora, we now know Kakashis exact age at the moment he became the Sixth Hokage. In the anime, Minato gave the team a bell test at its formation, assigning the three to take the two bells he kept on his person. The Sharingan is usually only available to members of the Uchiha bloodline, from which the Keke Genkai descends; however, Kakashi's access to this power occurred under certain circumstances. Tsunade threatens to have her executed since she is the highest ranking conspirator to survive the failed jailbreak, but Kakashi requests that he be allowed to pass sentence instead, what would be his first act as Hokage: Kahy will stay at the Blood Prison for the rest of her life, acting as warden by using her Chains of Ice on the prisoners. Score: 4.1/5 (4 votes) . Tobi defends the Demonic Statue from all of their attacks and, as ever, is himself seemingly impervious to damage, with everything passing through him. As they wait for Madara's inevitable return, Kakashi reminds them of their first lesson as Team 7: the importance of teamwork. Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha As the test began, many of the students began to scramble. Kakashi, during his later career as a shinobi, is put in charge of Team 7 which is composed of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, and Sakura Haruno. A small face, emerald from her hair, eyes to her gown. From careful observation of the Deva Path's abilities, Kakashi notices a brief cool down period between its jutsu. With his status as Hokage and Naruto's testimony, Kakashi pardons Sasuke and releases him from prison. Why? While recuperating, Kakashi starts to find Zabuza's death suspicious and worries he may still be alive. Kakashi, Rin, and Obito continued further in to Kusa. Disgraced, Sakumo committed suicide. Dot and his men are eventually defeated and Koyuki reclaims her position as the country's daimy. The village is then attacked by intruders and Kakashi orders his former students to join with Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino to help stop the intruders, whom he later learns are some of the missing shinobi. When Does Kakashi Become Hokage In Naruto Shippuden? Kaguya, the origin of chakra, now has access to the chakra supplies of everyone trapped in the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Kakashi engages Kakuzu in hand-to-hand combat. Naruto is 33 while Kakashi is 49 now in start of Boruto series. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax. With the Sharingan, Kakashi can accurately reproduce any movement he sees (his own physical skill permitting), take in a heightened amount of visual information, and perform the Sharingan's broad category of genjutsu. The following day, Boruto approached Kakashi again, proudly claiming that he could "move mountains" now. With both Jiraiya and Hiruzen dead, Danzo and Tsunade were left leading Konoha. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Lost Tower Teams 7 and Guy attend her funeral in Sunagakure before returning home. Kishimoto feels that this makes Kakashi a compelling leader and helps to keep the diverse members of Team 7 unified. Daichi and Kakashi looked around one last time and nodded their heads. As Root forces started to surround them, the Third showed up to personally authorise Kakashi's actions, and further negotiated Kinoe's release from Root. To that end, he encourages Sasuke to start using Chidori for its intended purpose: protecting friends rather than attacking them. Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc Luckily for you, we at Fiction Horizon have done our research and can, thus, tell you that Kakashi became Hokage in episode 479 of Naruto: Shippuden, which was titled Naruto Uzumaki!!. Kakashi watches as the Konoha 11 recapture prisoners escaping during the Armament Alliance's breakout and feels that their generation will someday replace his own. She heads to the Hidden Leaf Village to start a new life as the 3rd Hokage takes her in. EX 3, Naruto Shippden: Gekit Ninja Taisen! Naruto is overwhelmed by all the developments going on and passes out. As part of the war effort, Team Minato was assigned to destroy the Kannabi Bridge in Kusagakure in order to cut off Iwagakure's supply line. He also normally wears a long green trench coat and purple scarf with grey pants. hide. Might Guy assisted Kakashi surprisingly in the hot air balloon fights. Naruto launches a first attack before the test officially begins; Kakashi stops him easily, but is nevertheless amused. Once the shinobi are defeated and captured, Kakashi sends a message of the incident to Sasuke, who is travelling to the Land of Lightning and stops at a village in the Land of Hot Water. As Naruto goes off to see Sakura, Jiraiya warns Kakashi that Akatsuki will be making a move in the near future. [79] By combining this ability with his Lightning Cutter, Kakashi can bypass all defences and eliminate the possibility of being countered while attacking. Her home was destroyed during a raid and she was able to get out just barely with her life. Since its print premiere in 1999 and the launch of the anime in 2002, the series drew in . Naruto makes repeated failed attempts to rescue Gaara, prompting Kakashi to encourage patience while he prepares a new ability: a Mangeky Sharingan of his own. Two years later, Itachi Uchiha was added to Team Ro. The topic turned to Mirai and Kakashi concluded that she had done a fine job at escorting him and Guy. While he does so, Sakura approaches from behind to kill him, but ultimately cannot and Kakashi, tired from using Kamui, can't reach her in time to save her from Sasuke's retaliation. Note: The article contains spoilers for Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and the prelude . Naruto instead restrains Kakashi and fights Sasuke himself. How Did Kakashi Get His Sharingan Eye Hes also considered very handsome and women were always trying to get his attention which he found annoying but was polite about it. He always had a high IQ, perfect strategies, and decision-making ability which was independent of any kind of emotions. Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes Main article: Ao Arc Having expected him, Kakashi and Yamato attack and restrain him, though he points out that he can escape whenever he wants. The Chnin Exams are interrupted by an invasion of Konoha and most of those watching the finals are rendered unconscious by a genjutsu. [87] Later, Kakashi receives an apparent distress signal from Might Guy, who is escorting Naruto to the Island Turtle. However, Kakashi switched the fireworks around, taking everyone's heart out of the rivalry when they realised they were mocking their own display, allowing the two sides to make up. Sasuke saves Naruto from falling in the lava; Kakashi grabs Sakura, ties himself to an unconscious Obito with a scroll, and pins Obito to a wall in order to do the same. Just then, a light envelops Kakashi, a sign of his revival; before Kakashi returns to the living plane, Sakumo thanks him for putting him at peace at long last, allowing him to continue to the afterlife. As Hki Taketori began getting frustrated on what to do, Sukea noted that the Sixth Hokage was not without his own failures and shames, that his greatest regret from childhood was trying to control everything to such excess that it recklessly cost him a dear friend. Danzo made others to do his bidding for him. The Kage of Konohagakure, Narutos village, is called a Hokage and in this article, we are going to tell you when exactly Kakashi, Narutos friend, and mentor, became Hokage. He was already prepared for that day. RELATED: Naruto: 10 Best Catchphrases In The Franchise, Ranked As such, by the end of the story, Kakashi ended up becoming the Sixth Hokage of the village, taking the . Hello. Yet, this was only temporary, as Kakashi would indeed become Tsunades successor and the next Hokage of Konohagakure. Ordinarily, such training would take months or years, but Naruto, by training alongside hundreds of shadow clones, can do the same training in a mere fraction of the time.

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what did kakashi do as hokage

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